Friday 23 May

With Dawn Commanders rating nudging up to the heady heights of 142 it makes race planning a bit tricky to say the least! Dc was purchased to run in a few of the nicer staying handicap hurdles through the summer, but unfortunately these have a ceiling of 140, so he is too good to run in them! There are 2 races he could be aimed at - one in July, and one in August, but what happens if it rains and he doesn't get his ground - we will be snookered. We considered having a look over in Ireland, but felt that it would not really suit Club Members to have to travel to Ireland to watch him run. All in all we were leaning towards a short break now and getting him ready for some nice (valuable) handicaps in the Autumn, when there are plenty of options if the ground goes at one meeting. This morning the decision has been made for us, as DC is not quite sound behind - the vet has checked him over and is happy that he hasn't damaged himself seriously, it looks like a pulled muscle, or he made need a joint or two medicated, but it does mean that he will be off games for a short time to let the damage repair, which means he will now have a short holiday. He is likely to stay close to home and continue to be ridden a couple or three times a week, just so that he doesn't get too much like yours truly!! I am sure that everyone will agree - he has earned his rest, and he is sure to take members to some very smart courses in the Autumn, and who knows - if he keeps improving???? I posted this on face book earlier - it was an interesting exercise - proves we can do it!! Just had a little count up!! Since the turn of the year - horses purchased and managed by Nick Brown Racing have run in 32 races - they have won 8, and been placed 14 times!! Returning a fantastic 25% win return, and a near 70% win/place figure! Winning total prize money of over £60,000 All done with horses that by and large cost less than £20,000! Let's hope the good run continues. We are still working on a new Club Horse, and should have something in place within a week or so - so as you can see from the figures above - if you want to join a successful, fun team, that really gives value for money drop me a line, and get your self involved - For those of you who would like to get some photos of DC's win last Friday there are two photographers who have sent proofs. One is Colin Turner who can be contacted on 01704 894220, ask him to send you the proofs of the race and you can order directly from him, or go to and follow the links to see the shots that they got of the evening! Happy Shopping!!!

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