Friday 20 June
It is always a nervy time when you have purchased a new horse, and the most telling time of all is when Stuart and the team get to canter it for the first time. Their reaction is usually key. I remember Stuart calling me after they had cantered Dawn Commander for the first time, and saying 'Very nice'. I can also recall him ringing me as he walked back on Benefit Cut, after he had given him his first canter up the gallop proclaiming 'He's probably one of the nicest horses I have sat on'. So this morning was an acid test!! New Club horse Cloonacool arrived from Ireland yesterday, and although a little travel weary, he seems in good order. A really good stamp of horse, he is a full 16.1hh with fine conformation. We were all pleased with him - including Brett the vet who was in yesterday evening to do the horses annual Flu jabs, and gave him a quick once over - praise indeed!! This morning, Alice gave the new chap a little canter, under Stuart's watchful eye, and Stu was quickly on the phone! 'Very nice' was once again the assessment! Stuart liked what he saw! He said 'He is a very athletic mover, who bounces along, and is not dissimilar to Benefit Cut'!! More praise - if he can end up like Benny then we will have a whole heap of fun!! Being by the same sire, out of a mare that won on the flat and over hurdles, their profiles are very similar (something that attracted me to him) so there is a chance!! As you can see from the photo's he is the same sort of model as BC as well, they are both fine looking horses!! There is still time to book yourselves in to watch him parade tomorrow at 12.00pm at Fences Farm, please let me know if you are coming so that I have an idea of numbers - there looks like being a bit of a crowd - and remember, the shares are available on a first come, first served basis, so if you can't make it tomorrow, and want a share, then please let me know. or call 07909 518902.