Friday 8 August
Brett The Vet was in yesterday to medicate Dawn Commanders hocks. This is just a routine procedure, that will just ease his aches and pains. We are never at our best when we first get out of bed in the morning, and DC was no exception. After he had been on the go for 5 minutes he was fine, but we need to do everything we can to make his life a happy one - so - he got his jabs. Hopefully this will ease his niggles, but if he continues to be a bit crotchety in the morning, we will medicate another area until he is not sore first thing in the mornings!! These horses get every bit of care they need!! While the vet was there, Stuart got him to have a look at Benefit Cut (foc), and he was delighted with the way he was moving. BC missed his intended trip to the Punchestown Festival due to some aches and pains (not dissimilar to DC), and he too was medicated. He is moving great again now!! It will be good to see Roy Holland again tomorrow. Roy is popping up for only his second visit to see his horse Cloonacool. 'George' is Roys first venture into ownership, and fulfils a long held ambition to be a racehorse owner. We wish him well with his first crack at it! As I may have mentioned before - there are only very limited spaces left in Cloonacool now, so if you would like to come and have a look at him, please give me a call on 07909 518902. He is on terrific terms with himself - bucking and kicking while out at exercise, and everyone that has sat on him says what a great feel he gives them. More details can be found on the For Sale Page, along with details of shares in San Telm and Smart Exit. Smart Exit is only just back to Fences Farm - he loves the mud, and will give his new owners plenty of proper National Hunt fun - he could well be aimed at the Cambridgeshire National at Huntingdon again this season. He finished third in the race last year, on only his third start over fences! San Telm looks in super order - his coat gleams - and he will hopefully continue on a winning thread when he resumes in October - he won on his last outing, and we think he could well be still well handicapped off of his revised mark of 126! Get In Touch!!