Sunday 14 September
A fantastic mornings work yesterday, with all the string looking in fine form. First lot, (below), saw Mairise (Far side front) lead proceedings. Mairise is looking better and better by the week, and when Stuart was over at Sir Michael Stoute's earlier in the week, the team there reiterated how much they thought of him at the start of the year - which makes him a very exciting hurdling recruit! Whipping first lot in was the very talented Benefit Cut. BC was moving really well, and is still on track for his seasonal debut in mid October.
After breakfast we were joined by Ian and Mary Burchell (San Telm and Native Princess) Matt Griggs, John Bartlett, John Bird, and Dylan Hey and Katie (Dawn Commander) and Alan Gibson (Dawn Commander and Cloonacool). They got to see a really good swinging piece, with San Telm and Cloonacool, who had a really long look at Katie and her camera, lead a much improved Native Princess (shares available) along side the grey Dawn Commander. The clip shows them cantering down, but next time up they went a good clip, with Stuart reporting San Telm, to be in the form of his life, Native Princess really getting her head down and galloping, and Emma complaining that DC had pulled her arms out.
It will not be long before the season gets underway proper, with a whole host of runners at the start of October - it will soon be here!! After a super morning, a few of us headed off to The Cowpers Oak in Weston Underwood where we had a lovely relaxed lunch (Thanks Griggsy), and got to chat about all things Racing! A nice way to end what was a thoroughly enjoyable Saturday!! If you would like to join us we have a number of shares available in several horses, that should suit all budgets - please have a look at the For Sale page, and get in touch by phone (07909 518902) or email ( for further details.