Sunday 1 February
It was a bit nippy at the top of the hill yesterday, but a hardy few braved the elements to see their horses go through their paces. Steve and Jack Newland were in to see San Telm, unfortunately they only got to see him do 1 canter as he managed to spread a shoe on his way back to do his second canter and Stuart took him off home. John Bartlett bought his new camera to try and get some shots - not the best of days to give that its maiden outing! Chris Tombs and Bob Graham were in to see Cloonacool and Dawn Commander. Cloonacool worked very well with Reyno, and Dawn Commander did two canters and is moving very well. Smart Exit also cantered. Reyno is entered in Kempton on Friday, and is in great heart. Cloonacool will have entries in Newbury (7th) and Exeter (8th), and we will see what happens with the weather/ground before deciding if/where he goes. Paddy The Deejay ran OK on Thursday in some pretty horrible ground, and although he scoped clean pre race, he has come back with a sinus discharge, so there is quite a bit of improvement to come form him. He travelled beautifully into the race, but just didn't get up the hill, which is wholly excusable when you see what is coming out of his nose at the moment!! He will make his hurdling debut in about a month!