Tuesday 3 March
A glorious morning at Fences Farm. We were joined for second lot by Dale Upton, and Nicole Adams. Dale is local to Fences Farm, and is a hay merchant, Nicole has been involved in racing in the past and had horses - both were impressed with what they saw this morning I think. New boy Bold conquest certainly has 2 new fans. BC swung round on the top this morning and trapped past us very nicely. He is a wow mover, and he certainly catches the eye! He was scoped by Brett The Vet later in the morning, with a view to moving him into the main yard, but his scope was only 95% (he has a very small amount of mucus in his airways), so he will have a week of antibiotics and make the move then. The interesting thing is that the vet seems to think that he would have been suffering from this from a while back, and it would probably have had an effect in his last run, so it looks like there could be some improvement to come for that reason as well as better ground and races being run to suit!! Second lot also saw San Telm work very nicely under Stuart, who is delighted with him, and says that 3 more pieces of work should see him ready - so he should be out later this month! Benefit Cut was out first lot this morning, and Alice reports him to be in great order - bucking and kicking, which is great news, as he can take a lot out of himself in his races! While the vet was on his rounds he also had a look at Dawn Commander, and took some of his stitches out - he will need to remain on the walker for at least another week unfortunately. Cloonacool had his bandage removed, and Ed's comment was 'Brilliant'! The cut has healed very well, and you would hardly know it was there! He is allowed out of his box and starts on the walker this afternoon!