Sunday 5 April

A good morning at Fences Farm yesterday. With a few having run last week, and a few due to run this week - there were nit many to work properly. The one that did was Dawn Commander. Yesterday was decision day - depending on how he performed, would tell us where he ran next. Stuart rode him in his work with one of Michael and Fionas, and he was delighted with him. DC came up the hill very well, and when Stuart asked him to quicken about his work he did so in some style. Stuart was delighted with him afterwards, and we can confirm that he will head to Aintree on Thursday. Well - we must remember that this is DC we are talking about - so one can never be sure!! So long as he doesn't decide to do something stupid in the meantime he will be there! Second lot saw Benefit Cut do 2 canters with a work mate - he looks in good order. Ereyna, Kayla and Bold Conquest all breezed off the top. E and K head to Fakenham tomorrow, Bold C heads to Fontwell on Friday. Having looked at both races and the ground at both courses - we have decided to got to Fontwell. There are a couple in at Market Rasen that would be hard to beat, and finishing anywhere near them could be counter productive at this stage. There are still a couple of shares left in Bold Conquest - so if you would like to join us as an owner on Friday, then have a look at him on our For Sale Page, and give me a call on 07909 518902, or email Have a great Easter, and we look forward to seeing many of you at the end of the week!!

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