Wednesday 17 June

Our Annual Charity Cricket match will soon be upon us again. Kindly hosted by our friends at Eversholt CC the match is put on to raise funds for The Injured Jockeys Fund. The evening will feature a Twenty 20 match between a Nick Brown Racing XI, made up of owners past and present, and an Eversholt XI. There will be the usual Hog Roast, and the bar will stay open ''til late'!!!! The evening is a great way for our owners to get together in the setting of one of the prettiest village grounds in England. A chance for them to catch up with each other and some of the jockeys that have ridden their horses throughout the previous season. This year it looks as though we will have Brendan Powell, Josh Moore and Paddy Brennan there. All are welcome, and please bring guests. It is usually a very jolly evening with plenty of laughs!! Hopefully this year the weather will relent, and we will be able to get a game of cricket in. The last couple of years have been a bit damp - but we still manage to get a game of Rounders in on the outfield!! Please, if you are coming, could you park at the Village Hall and walk around the ground to the pavilion on the far side, under the trees. Fingers crossed it will be a dry night - well on the outside anyway!!

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