Thursday 25 June

Tomorrows cricket will start at 6.00pm. We have assembled a good side this year, and will hopefully give our hosts a bit to think about - and it looks like we will get the chance with the forecast looking favourable for once! I am in London for a good part of the day, but will be getting to Eversholt shortly after the start of play, and look forward to seeing everybody. Please come along if you can - the evening is a really good social with plenty of laughs, is a good opportunity for owners to get together for an evening. As mentioned earlier in the week, owners and members are welcome, and please bring guests as there is a fairly big old pig to be eaten! With me in London, Stuart will be showing a couple of Bold Conquests owners around Fences Farm for the first time. Phil and Geoff are making their first trip, and will be joined by Claire and Jess - I am sure they will enjoy their visit!

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