Wednesday 7 October
After a wet couple of days, Stuart took the opportunity to do his usual Wednesday morning routine, and school a few. It was good to see Peter and Barry this morning, Peter already has shares in a couple, and Barry will hopefully be returning to Fences Farm as an owner in the near future! They got to see A good few school over fences. Those of ours in action were Smart Exit who is lined up to go to Chepstow on Saturday. He worked really well yesterday, and schooled very well this morning. He was upsides Bold Conquest who schooled over all of the chase fences as well. He went really well, and enjoyed himself so much he took a fair grip on his canter after schooling - he is in fine form. Cloonacool also had a pop up the chase fences, just to keep his eye in, and keep his muscles working. It is great to see all the horses in such fine form, and with Stuart having them in such good form we are looking to add to the ranks with a dual purpose horse. We have made enquiries about a horse over in Europe, and I will keep you posted on the progress. Please give me a call on 07909 518902, or email if you would like details of any of the horses in which we have shares available. Most are on the For Sale page, but in full, there are shares available in Native Princess, San Telm, Dawn Commander, and Bold Conquest. There are only 1 or 2 shares left in each, so you will need to act quick if you would like to join in the action at a yard that is most certainly capable of producing winners, and very much seems to be going places!