Three make the trip to Chepstow tomorrow. Petethepear, Paddy Thedeejay and our own Bold Conquest. BC is in fine form, and the return to hurdles round a stiff track will suit him well. It could be a good day. I popped over to Fences Farm this morning to see Claire, John and Sue, who are all owners of Native Princess, who has suffered a leg injury. It would be 12 months until we see her on the course again, so we have taken the tough decision to retire her to the paddocks. She will be sold as a broodmare. This bumoer and novice hurdle winner has a fantastic family, and there should be no problem finding her a home to produce fantastic foals - we will follow them closely! This morning I also got the chance to see new boy Sneaking Budge for the first time since Newmarket last week. He continues to impress. This morning was just his second visit to the jumps field, and as you can see from the video he seems to be an absolute natural over an obstacle. He was given a lead the first time up, but then went on a did it twice more on his own. This lovely big scopey horse looks to have a great future over obstacles!! I have already had plenty of interest in him, and all being well there are just 2 20% shares left in him - so be quick if you would like to have a share in him !!