Tuesday 16 February
Mother and daughter, Claire and Jess were up this morning to see their horses. Claire has shares in Bold Conquest and San Telm, and also had a share in the recently departed Native Princess. Claire and Jess saw Bold Conquest and San Telm do two good canters, and both are in fine fettle. San Telm will have an entry in Doncaster next week. He was entered in Ascot on Saturday for a brief spell yesterday, but we decided to cancel the entry with the ground and weather forecast. ST needs as good ground as we can find him. Focusing and Petethepear have entries in Ascot. Bold Conquest also needs a decent surface, and we are seriously thinking of giving him a go in the Cambridgeshire National in Huntingdon on March 6th, which Claire informed me (and at the same time reminded Jess) was Mothering Sunday!! The new boy Visible Light is a hardy soul. He enjoys a good buck, and seems very sprightly! He did a good one and a half canters today and did them well. The dentist was in this afternoon, and put him right - so he should feel far more comfortable in his mouth as well! He will be up to doing a proper piece of work at the weekend. Towcester tomorrow, and then of to the Cheltenham Sales on Thursday - let's see if we can't find another winner!!