Sunday 10 April
Smart Exit had blinkers applied yesterday in an attempt to rekindle his enthusiasm - they appeared to work well, even one of the opposing trainers commented that they seemed to work shortly after he had them applied in the saddling boxes. He strode out around the paddock, and all seemed well. Brendan jumped off handy with him, and for the first circuit he did everything that could be asked of him. As they straightened up in the back straight things started to change. Brendan said he just found ways of making life difficult for himself - not travelling, and putting down on him at the obstacles when it would have been easier to take of and jump properly. Brendan administered a sharp reminder as the made the decent to the home turn but there was no response, and he rightly pulled him up. The galling thing is that when he sat up SE then picked up the bridle and half ran off with him! It looks as though he has fallen out of love with the sport, and I will be in touch with all of his owners over the course of the next few days to discuss his future. He has returned well, eaten up, and there doesn't seem to be a bother on him! We are watching the weather closely with regards to Bold Conquests engagement in Exeter. Their ground is currently Good To Soft, but they do have rain forecast and we would not want it too much softer for BC, we would need everything in our favour to be making such a long trip with him! If he runs, Brendan Powell will ride. Sneaking Budge had his hock injected this week, and once again the vet was happy with what he saw. SB was scanned and injected and will be reassessed in a couple of weeks. Stuart reports that he can see a difference in the hock and is also happy with progress. With shares in Pull Together proving to be very popular please don't delay in getting in touch 07909 518902.