Friday 3 June
It is now official! All the horses owned by the syndicates are now all out in the field getting a rest. The Flemensfirth filly went to The Elms Stud yesterday, and is turned out with Molly Childers. The best news of all is that Sneaking Budge was given the all clear from the vet and was turned out a couple of days ago! He trotted up 100% sound before he was allowed to join his mates, and the vet was very pleased with him. He still has a slight swelling at the front of the hock where he suffered the injury, but he is looking and feeling well. He was on box rest for 3 months, before being reintroduced to light exercise, and has been ridden for the last few weeks, so I am sure he was glad to get to the fresh air and open spaces of the field by the time he went out. Saying that he hasn't had the best couple of days to be out - the wind and rain and cold temperatures hardly making for holiday conditions! He will have a good spell out now, and come back into work around mid/end of July. The photo shows just how chilled out the horses are in the field. Megan took it a day or two before SB joined them.