Saturday 4 June
Good to see John Bartlett over to Fences Farm this morning. He didn't see too much as most of the stables are empty, with all the horses on their holidays. We did get to see two 2 year olds cantering with Kayla, and Ereyna work with Michael and Fionas Fort Gabriel. All went well. Out in the field John got to see his two horses, Bold Conquest (Top) and Sneaking Budge (front right of big bunch). All the horses, including Cloonacool (bottom) and Pull Together (third down) look well, but could do wit some sunshine! It will not be long before we see a few of them back in their stables - time flies. We are looking at adding to the ranks yet again, and are casting our eyes across the English Channel. We will know our fate by early next week. The only other French Bred we have had was dear old Kikos, and how we would like to have another one like him! Fingers crossed we hit the target - could be another 'Club' horse!!