A change of circumstances has meant that a share has become available in Bold Conquest. 'Bob' is the ultimate fun large syndicate horse - he arrived form Ireland in March last year, and has won one race and been placed on a further 5 occasions in his 10 runs for us. He is a sound, tough, genuine little horse that always gives of his best, and gives his owners fantastic days at the races. He is back in work after a short summer break, as his last run at the end of April indicated that he was in need of a rest. He summered well, and is back in pre training with Stuart Edmunds. This lovely 8 yr old bay gelding turns out once a month - regular as clockwork, and is a really fun way to enjoy racehorse ownership at a fraction of the cost of a bigger share. The group that own Bob, are a diverse and friendly bunch, who have got to know each other really well over the course of the last 12-15 months. They are very welcoming, and the new owner is sure to feel one of the bunch straight away!! The capital cost of the share is £500, plus a further £25/week all inclusive training fee. Please call me on 07909 518902, or email for further details.