Monday 4 July
The first Monday in July, means a return to work for the bulk of the horses. A few, including Cloonacool, Bold Conquest and Pull Together have been in for a couple of weeks and are walking and trotting. This week, new girl Molly Childers will return to Fences Farm. She has had a summer out at The Elms Stud, and has done really well! She will be back with Stuart on Wednesday and have a set of shoes on on Thursday. She will then be walking and trotting for about a month! Sneaking Budge will remain in the field for another couple of weeks. He has shown he likes proper soft ground, so there is no point in having him fit and ready to run before the ground has some proper juice in it. We are still looking to possibly giving him a spin on the flat on some soft turf right at the end of the flat season. The saga of the new purchase continues - I'm not sure if Brexit is the reason - but getting a vetting done has become very frustrating! Between the vet and the trainer - there seems to be no great urgency to get it done - although I have assurances that it should be done at the end of this week! Stay tuned for further updates - it has been such a trial, that for two pins I could walk away from the deal - but this is a horse that I really like, and feel that he will fit in very well with what we do!!