Sunday 7 August
A glorious morning at Fences Farm yesterday. Good to see Bob, Vicky and Dave in to see their horses. They saw Cloonacool and Bold Conquest both canter. Both are in terrific form, and we are very much looking forward to the season ahead with both of them. Pull together also cantered second lot and looks in great order, Ereyna worked well with a visitor. The BHA have now published the fixture list from October 1st to December 31st, so we can now sit down and make some plans for them! After a brief look there are identifiable targets for all of the horses we have with Stuart, and it looks like our season will get underway in late September. More details will follow shortly so you can start to pencil some days in the diary. Sneaking Budge who is feeling very well went out third lot, and Molly Childers who will start cantering next week took things easy before her exercise third lot. Shares currently available are - 1 in Bold Conquest - and 1 in the Flemensfirth Filly, please get in touch if you would like to join fun and successful partnerships that offer real value for money, and get results! 07909 518902