Sunday 4 September
A good turnout of owners yesterday at Fences Farm. A bright sunny morning, and they got to see plenty of action! Ken and his sister Joy were in to see Cloonacool, Bold Conquest and Sneaking Budge. Paul ws in to see his two - Molly Childers and Pull Together, and Sheridan, Fran and their friend Kathy were in to see Molly as well. Second Lot saw four do a really nice piece of work. Cloonacool led them up alongside Reyno, and they were followed by Bold Conquest and Apasionado. Despite the large difference in BHA ratings between Reyno and Cloonacool, Reyno is a super workhorse at home, and is a match for the very best of them - these two worked really well. In behind Bold Conquest was upsides new boy Apasionado, who was doing his first piece of serious work since arriving a couple of weeks ago. BC worked really well, and Apasionado really caught the eye upsides him - he did it very nicely and all those that witnessed it were suitably impressed! He looks like he has a very bright future, and those that stayed into late morning were keen to see him out and get up close to him. He won a few friends yesterday, and has more new faces coming in to see him next week! Shares are now getting limited so please get in touch if you would like to have a look at him. He will be running in 3 weeks, so it is instant fun! (07909 518902). Also out second lot were Molly Childers and Pull together, Molly did teo canters, and is really coming together. She is ready to go a bit quicker, but is just on a course of antibiotics for a few days, and any increase in her work will be put on hold until her runny nose has been cleared up. She looks like she will be very much worth the wait!! Pull Together just did two canters. Third lot, we got to see two 2 yr olds really engage the afterburners, and they cam past us at some speed! A bit of a change of gear to the jumpers, and lovely to see!! Thanks to Sheridan for the fabulous picture of them going lickety spit! In contrast - after these two had blitzed past, we saw Sneaking Budge and Pine Warbler do two slow canters - their conditioning work continues! A super morning - enjoyed by all!