Monday 5 September

It looks like being a fun week! Tomorrow off to the Goffs UK September Sales in Doncaster. There are a few to look at, and hopefully we can come home with a new one! On Wednesday, Cloonacool and Bold Conquest will head to Lambourn to work up the Back Of The Hill, this should bring them on a bundle, and will hopefully put them on track for their targets later this month. Stuart will ride Cloonacool, and Brendan Powell will ride Bold Conquest. On Thursday we welcome a 'new face' to Fences Farm - a man interested in Apasionado. It will be the same again on Saturday, when we welcome 2 new men to se the talented chesnut who continues to impress. If all goes to plan, it looks as though he could well be sold out by the end of the weekend, which will tie in perfectly if we manage to add to the ranks tomorrow and have something to syndicate. Get in touch quickly if you are interested in Apasionado, and don't forget to keep an eye open on here if you are interested in joining a new syndicate!

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