Wednesday 7 September
Yesterday was spent at the Goffs UK September Sale in Doncaster. Two targets to fill this years Juvenile Hurdler Gap. One discarded on inspection, the other we were under bidder on. A shame as he looked the part - and was from a source we have enjoyed success from before. Not to worry, we will wait for the one that ticks all the boxes, and get the right one! Today, and early start, and Bold Conquest and Cloonacool had their away day. All went really well, and both are firmly on track for their targets later this month - BC in Warwick on the 20th, and Cloonacool in Market Rasen on the 24th. Cloonacool will be joined by Apasionado on the 24th, he is going really nicely, and found another fan today after Brogan had a sit on him for the first time. Hopefully he will add to the fan club tally tomorrow, when someone is coming in to see him! Molly Childers is in fine fettle, and is really coming together as a nice mare! Sneaking Budge is also in sparkling form, and is thoroughly enjoying going a gear quicker!!