Tuesday 20 September
Bold Conquest kicked off our season proper, and we travelled to Warwick full of hope. He has been in fine form at home, going with plenty of zest and working really well! So a decent run was expected in a race that he had finished 3rd in a year ago! The cheekpieces were on to help him travel, and he jumped off full of verve. He travelled and jumped really well until they swung down the hill on the second circuit about a mile from home. It was then that he cam under pressure, and lost his place, never able to get back into it. Brendan was mystified by the run, but did say he made a noise as he pulled up, so Stuart had BC scoped after the race. There was mucus present, but no blood, so the good news is that he hadn't burst a blood vessel! Stuart will clear up the mucus and investigate other things that may cause him to make a noise, which could well entail taking him down to Gloucestershire to have an overland scope to see what is happening around his larynx as he gallops. This will answer many questions - but whatever happens, rest assured he will have the best of care, and be brought back to his competitive best! Thanks for all the messages after the run - sorry things didn't go to plan - but we live to fight another day!! Mean while at home this morning - Fran and Sheridan were in to see their new boy Apasionado, do his last piece of work with Cloonacool and Reyno. On Saturday Stuart had set the work up to suit Apasionado, and today it was Cloonacool's turn to enjoy himself, and enjoy he did! He worked as well as I have ever seen him work, so all things are in place for Saturday. Apasionado worked very well too, and he will alos ,ake the trip for the bumper.