The vet was in at Stuarts this morning to scope a few. These included Cloonacool and Apasionado who are entered in Market Rasen on Saturday. Delighted to say they are 100% and are on track for the weekend. While there, inevitably Bold Conquest's lacklustre display yesterday was discussed and the vet confirmed that the level of mucus found in BC after the race would be performance inhibiting, and we must look at that as the reason for his poor run. It would be like us running with a head full of snot is the best way to describe it. Bob will now have a course of strong antibiotics to get rid if it, and should be back on course after it has been cleared up. It was great to see Pull Together back on song yesterday as he got to stride on on the gallop. He had a few days lighter exercise after experiencing some minor growing pains, and looks in fine fettle.