Tuesday 9 May

Vet, Ed Brett was in this afternoon to give Sneaking Budge a good MOT before the start of next season. We wanted to make sure that all was well with him at this stage, and know that we can bowl on with him with confidence now, rather than get him in and train him, only for his troubles of last winter to show up again and put a spanner in the works. Delighted to say that he has had a real good look at him and is thrilled with how he is looking. He says that Stuart can crack on and train him from July as planned. So this is all good news, and it will be great to have the 'Big Goof' back at it again! While he was in he also cast his eye over Land League, and is very happy with his progress. His haematoma is dispersing just as it should, and he will be A1 going forward. The third horse on his list was new boy Classic Ben, who he checked over prior to him going out in the field with his new mates. He looked at his legs and his back, and gave him a clean bill of health, so he can go on the market now. He is available in 10 shares of £2,500 each. Plus £50/week. Please get in touch if you are interested in a share in him - he is great value for money, as he has rock solid Irish Point To Point form, and looks sure to make his mark on the track! He will start off in bumpers in the Autumn. nickbrownracing@gmail.com (07909 518902). Stuart had two finish second last week in Towcester. The handicapper has had his say - Elusive Cowboy has an opening mark of 107 - which looks a little harsh, and poor Kayla has been put up 5lbs for getting beaten a neck!! This will put her on a career high of 120!! She could be off to Cartmel next!!

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