Saturday 13 May
A super morning at Fences Farm, and great to be able to show Chris and Rachael around the yard. Not many horses in at the moment, but they did get to see Kayla and Elusive Cowboy have a whizz off the top, and both looked in fine form. Both will have entries in the next week. With not a lot going on it was a chance to have a long amble around the farm. We saw all of the boys out in the fields, and all of them look like the break is doing them all the world of good. The two new boys from Ireland, Theclockisticking and Classic Ben have become firm friends, and look inseparable! A bromance! Both are gorgeous looking horses, and have really bright futures! Land League is out with this group, and is certainly the boss of the group - he takes no prisoners at feed time! Chris and Rachael also got to see their girl Chandos Belle in the fillies field. She is out with Grey Warbler and Blackbird. All three look relaxed and well. We then headed back for a cuppa, and Chris and Rachael decided to take the plunge, and have the last share in Land League, and the first share in Classic Ben. They said they were hooked - now they have 3!! They have chosen very well, and we wish them the very best of luck with all of their horses! Land League is now sold out, and he looks sure to have a very exciting season ahead of him! And there has been considerable interest in Classic Ben, and it is worth noting that the first folks to see him today are the first to buy a share - hes a smasher!! 07909 518902