Moore and More

A short week with the Bank Holiday last Monday - so Tuesday we spent in the office taking care lots of paperwork. A long day - but lots of items left the 'pending tray' - so very productive!
Also on Tuesday we received some very good news about Sunset Melody - 'Betty' has been off games since fracturing her pelvis in February. The injury occured during one of her last pieces of work before a run a couple of weeks later, which was very bad timing to say the least. The scans revealed what looked like a fairly straightforward fracture, that would heal well within normal timescales. Sadly, she has certainly taken her time, we had expected her to be back in work by August 1st at the latest, but a scan before that date wasn't how the vet wanted to see it, so he precribed a further month of recuperation. Thankfully on Tuesday, she had her latest scan and was given the go ahead to be ridden and return to work. Jason wasted no time and soon had a saddle back on her and had her ridden around the arena. Fingers crossed for a straightforward run with her now. There are a couple of shares available in her - please have a look at her full details on the For Sale Page, and get in touch - she has a fabulous pedigree, and has already shown she has the ability and attitude to be lots of fun for her syndicate.
Sunset Melody back to work
On Wednesday there was a sale in Newmarket - a sale that first appeared on the calendar a couple of years ago - and one that takes place at an interesting time of the flat season. A huge number of withdrawals, and nothing left in the catalogue that interested us - so no need to go to Newmarket - a long study of recent French flat form instead - I belive that there is better value to be had over there, and with the team that we have in place, we are in a good place to avoid any of the usual pitfalls when it comes to buying horses in training. We have had some great results with horses that we have sourced from France, and it is a source that we will continue to return to - the system works, why change it?
Thursday I finally managed to get to a yard that I have been wanting to visit for years - Cisswood Stables where Gary Moore and his family churn out winner after winner. We have had a long association with the Moores - Jamie first pulled on our colours when he partnered Important Business in Doncaster in January 2008 and Josh was riding our horses as far back as his claiming days in 2013, first getting the leg up on one of ours on January 1st of that year, and steering Smart Exit to a win in Fakenham. The Moores are a well respected, hard working family, and it was probably about 7 years ago when I said to Josh, that I would, one day, put a horse with them. It needed to be the right horse at the right time, and this year we finally have the horse. I have long thought that the Jukebox Jury gelding, out of Donna Graciosa would be a perfect fit at Cisswood - he is by a very good stallion, out of a 4 time winning mare for Mark Johnson who showed herself to be very tough in winning four times for him, she herself is a full sister to the Group 1 winner Durban Thunder, who now stands as a sire, and so I called Josh in the spring and asked if they would like to train him - thankfully he said yes. As we all know, shortly afterwards, Josh suffered severe injuries in a fall in Haydock, which lead to some extremely serious complications. At one stage the prognosis for his recovery was very poor indeed, as someone, who is unconnected with the Moores said to me yesterday 'Even those that don't pray, were praying for Josh' . Thankfully those prayers may just have worked, as he has come out of the other side, and made a miracle recovery - it was fantastic to see him on Thursday looking so well, with his partner Phoebe and their little boy Freddie on the yard. It was great to visit Cisswood Stables, and thanks to Gary who took the time to give me a tour round all of the facilites, they cater for everything there, and have to - as the veteran 3m chasers need to be trained along with the sharp 2 yr olds. It was great to be able to wander around and chat to the staff, who all knew their job, and got on with it with a smile. We are looking forward to the 'Jukebox Jury' heading there in a couple of weeks.
Gary Moores Cisswood Stables and Gallops
On Friday we welcomed Jonathan to NBR, when he agreed to buy the last share in the 3 yr old I mentioned above. Jonathan has had plenty of shares in horses before, and we are hoping that this lad will be as lucky for him as some of his previous interests! Jonathan took the last remaining share in the horse, and he is now sold out. We wish the Keysoe Partnership the very best of luck with him. He is coming to the end of his pre training with Jason Maguire, and he will head down the road to Tom Georges woodchip gallop tomorrow, and just stride on upsides on a different gallop. Jonathan, who is a Gloucestershire native, has popped into Ivy Lodge Farm this morning to meet his new horse. His purchase of the last share in the gelding means that all of our partnerships are fully subscribed, apart from one share in Itchy Feet - more on him later. Lovely to have 99% of the shares in the partnerships buttoned up before the season, and with only limited shares available in our bigger groups, it looks like we will probably need to add to the team at some stage through the autumn - a juvenile hurdler from France looks likely. Also on Friday - Jack popped in to Ravenswell Farm to see his horse Mamoon Star who is back cantering after having his soft palate cauterised. That procedure has been a success, and he is back on great form. Jack also got to see Fortune Forever lead the string in a piece of work, and she looked to do it well. Hidden Beauty and Volkovka didn't go back into work until August, and both looked in super form on the round gallop. Blue Bikini was another to work up the hill, and reports are that she went really nicely too.
Jonathan meeting his latest horse - The Jukebox Jury 3 yr old.
Saturday was a busy day to say the least. We headed off to Olly Murphy's Warren Chase stables early for his Owners Day. This is a day he has every year where he invites a small selection of owners, and syndicate managers, to see their horses. Each syndicate manager is then free to invite their members on days that suit, for a stable visit tailor made around their horses. I have to say, Ollys horses look fantastic and are all doing plenty of cantering on the deep sand gallop. They will soon start to up their work, and it will not be long before they are all getting entries.
While there we also managed to agree a deal to sell Yauthym, to start her career as a broodmare in Ireland. After a bit oif a shock with Go Millie Go earlier in the year when we came to sell her as a broodmare, we have made sure that all is well with Yauthym, and she just needs the necessary vet checks and paperwork completed for her to travel to Ireland. She will probably leave The Elms later next week - we wish her new owners the very best of luck with her, and will certainly keep an eye on her progeny in the future. The sales didn't stop there, as Itchy Feet gained a couple of new owners - as two shares were reserved in him. Not surprising really, as he really is a stand out as the lot warm up in the arena, he is such a good mover! . He is in fantastic form, and getting glowing reports from everyone at the yard - regular rider, Izzy thinks he is different again this time round, and Head Man, Wingy thinks he may just be finally growing up a bit! As I say all the horses look fantastic - non more so than Tintagel Queen who has not missed a beat, and is going great. It is hard to get Lewis Stones off of her in the mornings, and once again he was full of praise for her yesterday. I hope he's a good judge!! She is likely to aimed at a mares bumper around the end of October. Auditoria has strengthened up again, and is in fine form - she too is moving great - the arena is a great facility to see them before they head out to the gallop. She will start off in a 3m handicap hurdle, after which she may well step into mares novice chases, but we won't leave handicap hurdles 'on the table' if we think there are wins to be had in that sphere. All of our clients horses at the yard look great too - one travels to Perth tomorrow, good luck to him, and the two fillies look like they will give their owners a lot of fun this winter.
Tintagel Queen
Itchy Feet
Chris And Lucy meet their new boy - Itchy Feet
Down at Ivy Lodge Farm - Intrepide Sud is still living the life of reilly, and at Fences Farm Classic Ben continues his preparation for a staying chase campaign this winter.
I had hoped to get up to Donald McCains Bankhouse Stables this week, but Donald was away for a few days. He had a lovely time, but said that getting there and back was an absolute nightmare - airports! Donald is really happy with 'Dean' our homebred 3 yr old that is in training there. He tells me they really like him and that he is the spitting image in terms of looks and attitude as A Different Kind who is by the same sire, and notched up a five timer when winning two bumpers and three hurdles between September 2021 and January 2022. Although a trip up to Cholmondley would have been great fun, sadly we wouldn't have seen Dean out this week, as he has pulled a few muscles over his hind quarters and has had a few days off - a result of throwing a few shapes they tell me - he will be back ridden from tomorrow or Tuesday. There are shares available in Dean - and we would be delighted to send you details. 07909 518902
Simply awful news to come out of Ireland late yesterday - our thoughts and condolencs are with the de Bromhead family.
Next week is another busy one - tomorrow we will finalise the shares sold this past week - on Tuesday will either head off to the Somerville Sale in Newmarket - the first yearling sale of the year at Park Paddocks, or I will pop over to The Elms to see the youngsters there - if I do get there, it will be good to see Louise, and get a couple of dates in the diary for Molly/Finbar owners visits, and a Barry owners get together. On Tuesday evening we head up to Doncaster in preparation for their September Sale on Wednesday, and on Thursday the circus moves across to Yorton Farm, for their annual sale.
More fun around the country!
Just one piece of housekeping - the open day arranged for Fergal O'Briens Ravenswell Farm on Saturday 10th of September, has had to be postponed, and is rescheduled for Saturday the 24th. Lots of you had booked to come on the 10th - please let me know either way if you are able to get there on the 24th, so that we have a handle on numbers for the caterers.
ps - Fergs fault not mine!!
The visit to Olly Murphys scheduled for Saturday September 17th goes ahead as planned.
Have a good week all - same time, same place next week?