The Name Game

Last week was a little more subdued than of late - but as always there was still enough going on.
The excitement for the upcoming jumps season continues to heighten, and it has been evident by the number of new members that have joined NBR syndicates just lately. On Monday we welcomed another two new members, Olly took a share in 'Dean' our 3 yr old gelding with Donald McCain - and Sarah joined the Blue Bikini group. We wish them both the best of luck with their horses.We have 13 horses in training at the moment and it is a testament to their quality that remaining shares in the syndicates are now very limited. There is just a single share available in Tintagel Queen and 5 in Dean. Apart from just 2 shares remaining in Itchy Feet, all of our Partnerships are also full - so be quick if you would like to join in the fun this winter. or 07909 518902
We will be adding to the string in the near future. We had a few yearlings inspected at The Orby Sale that took place at Kildare Paddocks in Co Kildare in Ireland earlier this week, but our values didn't match up with the vendors values on what was an amazingly strong trade. The microcosm of the Bloodstock Industry does not seem to be affected in any way by the headlines of recession and hardship that abound outside of it. The Sales circus moves on to Newmarket next week and the Book 1 yearling sales. The yearling sale that offers the finest pedigrees and physical specimens in Europe, and trade is sure to break records, the appetite for horses is that strong, aided of course by the weak pound that has meant overseas buyers can go that little bit further to get what they want. We will not be buying next week! But we will be having a good look at a number of the yearling catalogues in both the UK and France in the next few weeks.
Also on Monday Auditoria had her first 'away day' when she made the short trip from Olly Murphys Warren Chase Stables down to the gallop at Robert Waley Cohen's yard near Banbury. Olly gets a good level of base fitness into his horses at home on the 4 furlong deep Wexford sand gallop, and then takes them away for a couple of bits of work to put the finishing touches on to them before they run. Once he has that done he can maintain their fitness levels at home and they don't need to leave the yard again. Olly called to say how pleased he was with Auditoria - and that she had worked really well. She looked great in the video of her work that he sent through - and when the rain arrives she will be one of the first of our team to see the track. She will start off in a staying handicap hurdle, and depending on how she fares in that, she could well switch to chases for her next run.
Auditoria working on her 'away day'
With the likelihood of a switch to fences for Auditoria in the next few weeks, Olly took the opportunity on Tuesday to give her her first pop over them. After travelling for a bit of hard graft on the Monday, it was ideal that she could have an easier day on Tuesday and have a play on the schooling strip. Auditoria schooled well and he was pleased with her first look at them - her owners receiving another video update of her progress - these updates from the yards are vital for our members are able to feel fully engaged with their horses and Olly is one of the best at sending them through.
Auditoria schooling over fences
Wednesday was another day in the office for 'yours truly' - there seems to be evermore paperwork involved in life doesn't there?! With the Jukebox Jury gelding settling in nicely with Gary Moore, it was time to get all of the necessaries sorted out with him - including getting another set of colours ordered! At lunchtime Gary called with an update - he is really happy with the horse, and likes what he sees. The team are still learning about him, and in the first week of him being there have ascertained that he is not a horse that can be rushed, and that they are going to have to bring him along quietly, which will be no bad thing for a 'baby'. Although he has done plenty of schooling with Jason Maguire, we would like to think that he would show enough speed to make his debut in a bumper, and if all goes well be able to take his chance in the Listed bumper for 4 yr olds in Cheltenham on New Years Day, a race Mamoon Star was third in last season. Well that's the dream anyway! The good news is that before he signed off, Gary did reiterate what Jamie had told me the week before - 'I think he's a really nice horse' - hearing that from a Moore is certainly a good sign!!
With such positive updates from Gary, and everything in place with Cisswood Stables it was about time his owners found a name for the Jukebox Jury gelding, so on Thursday we started the process. It is quite simple - every shareholder has the chance to put forward a suggestion for his name, these had to be submitted by 5.00pm on Friday after which I send out the full list of suggestions to all the partnership members. They have now got all weekend to decide which one they like best - obviously those that put a name forward can't vote for their own, and when the voting closes at 5.00pm on Monday the winning name will be announced and we will get on and get him named on Tuesday. We had 5 strong suggestions, and it will be an interesting vote - the result of which we will let you know next week!
Another one we will soon have to get on and name will be 'Dean' - who was the subject of a glowing report on Friday. If I had been asked to name him on Friday morning I would have called him 'Parking Ticket' as he nearly caused me to get one. I had run Cheryl into Bedfrod to pop into the bank in the High Street. I rarely go into Bedford these days,and it was the first time that I had had to go down the High Street since it's switch to a single lane and part pedestrianisation. Outside the bank there is a convenient little pull in for three vehicles where I was able to pull over and drop Cheryl off. While there I took the chance to view the video that Donald had sent of 'Dean' moving very nicely at the top of his big hill gallop. Having watched it a couple of times, and sent Donald a message, I looked up to see a traffic warden tapping away at his consul, looking at me and mouthing those dreaded words - 'you can't park there' - I tried to explain that I had literally dropped Cheryl off a few seconds before but my words seemed to be falling on deaf ears - so I put my foot down and buggered off before he could slap a ticket on me! Fingers crossed that will be the end of it! Apart from the possibility of a parking ticket - it was a good clip - 'Dean' goes very nicely, and Donald is really happy with him. I would like to get his syndicate fully subscribed before we name him so that all of his members get the chance to name him if they would like to - but if not we will start the process in the next week or two, as he will soon be ready to run. I will pop up to the yard next week, and talk through the options with Donald - wether we start off in a junior bumper or one of those new National Hunt Juvenile Hurdles. We are all looking forward to getting going with him! By the way - I did go round the block and go back to collect Cheryl - I didn't leave her there!!
'Dean' at the top of Donalds big gallop on Friday
When I see a trainers name flash up on my phone the heart always skips a beat, as it could be bad news - an injury, a coilic or worse! When Olly Murphys name appeard on my screen at 8.40pm on Friday I must confess I didn't think what he had to tell me was going to be positive. Thankfully it was. Throughout the year there are a number of pony racing heats that are held across the country, both at point to point fixtures and race meetings. On Saturday Warwick hosted an Introduction Day at the track, a day when parents and children could attend and see for themselves what pony racing can offer and get a little insight into the sport. As part of the day, Olly was asked to take a handful of horses, and parade them in the paddock and then have them do a racecourse gallop. After the heavy band of rain that had passed over the midlands on Friday he felt that it would be perfect to take Tintagel Queen to the track with 5 others to just gain a bit more experience. She would travel to the track, parade in the paddock, see an allbeit small crowd, and get a feel for the job she will be asked to do in a few weeks. So at 12.30pm yesterday I found myself at a pony racing event at Warwick armed with a pair of binocluars! It was perfect for Tintagel Queen, she as ridden by her usual rider Lewis Stones and was really well behaved all round. The six horses, led by yard stalwart Hunters Call left the paddock and headed round to the 2m5f start at the foot of the hill and after a short spell to get their breath back, they turned and came back along the back straight, up into the home straight and galloped right to the line. TQ went well - she was posted three wide for the entire piece of work, and picked up nicely in the final furlong. She was a little green which was to be expected, but Lewis was very happy with her. She had worked with some very well bred and expensive fillys and with it being only her second tIme on grass she is sure to have learned a lot from it. The day was perfect for her, and she will have another away day in a couple of weeks ahead of a run around the end of the month. Olly also said that Auditoria had schooled again that morning and was very very good - he forgot to video it though!!!
Six gallopes, including Tintagel Queen
Tintagel Queen pre gallop
TQ Coming back in
The six did a nice piece of work.
I must say it was great to see all of the children having such a great time at the event. there were anatomical demonstrations of the horse, course walks and equisizer sessions - all geared to getting these youngsters engaged in the sport. It is a great initiative and one that I would not have witnessed had it not been for TQ - I'm glad I did!
A quiet Warwick
Anatomy demonstration
Elsewhere all is well - and all of the horses get a week closer to their seasonal debuts. Down at Ravenswell Farm. Mamoon Star is in great order, and as mentioned last week he will have his first run of the season in a bumper this month. As you would expect he is a much bigger and stronger individual than last year and can only have improved. He has also had his soft palate cauterised since he returned to training. Volkovka is another one who looks tremendous - she has had her first school over chase fences of the season and is another that will start over hurdles but then switch to novice chases this season. Blue Bikini is nearly ready for a run, but will need the rain to arrive - something that looks unlikely this coming week sadly. BB is in great form, and we think she will be well handicapped over a trip when she gets a test of stamina. Hidden Beauty had her routine scope for ulcers this week - and despite the 'big girl' looking fantastic, she was found to be suffering slightly - quite a surprise - so she has gone on a course of medication to help her out..
There are three down with Jason Maguire - Fortune Forever returned there after coming back to Ravenswell to meet her owners last weekend - she is now back having a short break after her very promising debut. Sunset Melody continues on the road back - sadly it is a long road, but as she will want soft ground when she does run, her syndicate members are not missing out on any sport at the moment anyway. Intrepide Sud is enjoying his R&R.
Itchy Feet is in fine form with Olly - he will have a few sessions with Olympic Gold medallist Laura Collett who goes into Warren Chase and schools the horses every week. Laura was in for the first time last week and got to sit on a good few of them. IF will be ready to run next month.
Classic Ben is another who will make his seasonal bow next month - big galloping tracks on soft ground suit him best - Exeter could be a popular destination again for him.
As mentioned we are looking to add to the squad, and hope to get a nice yearling this autumn. We intend to purchase a quality individual - probably a filly with a nice 10-12 furlong pedigree. The horse is likely to be trained by David Menuisier in Sussex, so if you would like all the details when the horse is purchased let me know and I will add you to the mailing list of interested parties when the time comes.
Next week we hope to get around a few yards, and start making some plans for the season.
Catch up next Sunday! Have a great week - and if you have any questons about any of our horses or syndicates just ask - contact page for all numbers!!