Easy Does It

March was a wet one - thankfully - as it made up for the 'drought' that was January and February. We got to run two at the start of the week, but sadly the very wet spell meant that we couldn't run two on the heavy ground in Uttoxeter yesterday. Their time will come. 

We started the week with a road trip to Wincanton to see Auditoria try to double up on her win in Taunton just seven days previously. That had been a fairly facile success, and altough she was only due to go up 4lbs on Tuesday, and would be taking on a mare that had beaten her earlier in the season, again on less favourable terms due to her 7lb penalty, we felt that it was the right thing to do to run her. Runnng one within seven days of a previous run is something I can only recall doing once before, but with the race being almost identical to the one she had won in Taunton, and having come out of it so well, it was the right thing to do to run her on this occasion. We do like to give our horses plenty of time between races - but on this time. Auditoria would be asked to go again. I collected a couple of waifs and strays on the way down, and we had a good trip down, despite the usual snag around a certain bunch of neolithic stones. It was a glorious day - with bright sunshine and the ground was beautiful. Fergus Gregory was reunited with Audrey, and he was confident that a similar display to the front running performance they had put up in Taunton would see her go very well. Sadly that plan went right out of the windown before the race had even begun. Inexplicably, Auditoria half planted herself at the start, and as the tapes went up, she was left a good 8 lengths out the back with no chance of ever getting on the front end which had seen her run so well a week ago. Fergus did manage to make up the lost ground and they got back up into second, but the mare in front is much better on the lead, and having not been able to challenge for that spot, it played right into her hands. Auditoria ran really well - she jumped great, and did manage to get her head in front as they raced up the home stright towards home, but the early exertions took their toll, and she was eventually just touched off for second in the shadow of the post. Given the circumstances she ran really well, and put up a career best effort over fences, but it was just a shame that she couldn't bag her second victory of the season. She lost nothing in defeat, and will be out again in a couple of weeks - all being well. 

Auditoria in the Paddock


After her run

Tuesday the rains came again - but thankfully we were a bit closer to home, as Greyval headed to Huntingdon. Everyone who manges to wade through these incoherent spelling mistakes every week will be in no doubt as to how highly Greyval is regarded, but that does not alleviate the pressure of her being 1/4 in the morning markets - dangers lurk in every shadow! There was a couple of unknowns coming into this - none of her flat runs, when asked to go right handed had been overly good - and although the form book would let you believe that she had run on Heavy ground on the flat in France - there is no way it was anything like the soft ground she would tackle this day. All in all, Tuesday morning wasn't much fun as the rain continued to fall. Having secured a private bar for her owners, The Oakley Partnership, we had a good turn out of members, although some sadly had to abort their trips at the last minute. Greyval looked a picture in the paddock, and was certainly on good terms with herself. Paddy took her very quietly to post. Having jumped off in mid division, she settled and jumped well, with the field not interested in chasing a tearaway leader. Paddy made smooth progress as they got to the end of the back straight, and as the wayward one in front once again went out left and hung badly off the home bend, Greyval and two other fillies stuck to the rail, and headed for home. Greyval was cruising in front, and the only dangers were the two flights ahead of her. She negotiated them easily, and came away for a very cosy 3 length success with Paddy looking more behind him than in front of him! It was the perfect run - she won as she should have done, and as the market expected. Greyval needed to run this week to qualify her for a valuable handicap in Cheltenham later this month, as she needed to have run three times over hurdles prior to running there. The Cheltenham race has been the plan for her ever since the hammer dropped in the Arqana sales ring in November. This race was the perfect prep - we could have run her in a valuable Ascot handicap today - but in winning on Tuesday, she has not had to perform to anythng like her mark of 121 ( she was raised 1lb on Tuesday morning after her form was franked by Cianciana winning a valuable handicap in Musselburgh last week), and therefore the handicapper will be hard pushed to raise her for this performance. Had she run in Ascot today, she may well have found herself going up the weights, and with less chance of winning in Cheltenham in three weeks time. With the Cheltenham race carrying the same prize fund as Ascot today, but also having Grade 3 status - it carries more valuable 'black type' for her - which is so important for these fillies, and therefore more of a priority.. She has come out of the race in great order, and now all roads lead to Cheltenham. Just as a little aside - after her win on Tuesday, Paddy came back in and said that, in his opinion, she would have won The Boodles in Cheltenham.He had finished 5 1/2 lengths off the winner in The Boodles, and is certain that Greyval would have been coming back into the winners enclosure there!  It was such a shame that she couldn't run there due to a dirty scope. Let us hope that we can gain a bit of compensation in a couple of weeks! Whatever happens she is a lovely filly, with a wonderful future ahead of her! 

Greyval in the paddock


Jumping the last (photo Francesca Altoft)


Walking back in

Very happy with herself

Happy Owners


Also on Tuesday, Savingforvegas retuned back home to The Elms Stud. She had suffered a haemorrhage the Friday before and had been in the vets in Newmarket over the weekend. The bleeding had stopped, and  Vegas and her foal were perfectly fine again - so she could return home. The vets are not certain why it happened and have only seen it once before, but they are confident that there is enough time between now and her due date of the 6th of April for her to make a full recovery, and have her foal without complications - this is one time when we are very grateful that she usually likes to keep hold of her foals for a couple of weeks longer than their due date - which will,of course, mean that her lesion has another couple of weeks to heal! All in all - good news after a worrying few days! On the subject of foals, one that didn't keep hold of her foal until after her due date was our 'Old Girl' Queenohearts, who this week gave birth to a filly foal by Crystal Ocean - it is three weeks premature but doing well. 

Wednesday came and we sent the Class of '23 down to Ivy Lodge Farm. Maggie Jones was in to The Elms mid morning to collect three lovely horses for Jason to have and either start off, or forward their educations. The three we have this year are; 'Frank' our homebred out of Savingforvegas by the hottest sire on the planet - Blue Bresil - The sire of superstar Constitution Hill no less. Frank is unbroken - we had intended to send him to the sales this year, but the exploits of his half brother Dino Bellagio in winning his two bumpers this season, and being (subject to confirmation) the highest rated 4 yr old bumper performer in the UK, means that we have decided to retain him to run in our colours and he will be syndicated this summer. He is a typical Blue Bresil, and has all the looks of his sire - hopefully he will carry on the family tradition and be quite smart! He is the sort that could be aimed at Junior Bumpers or National Hunt Juvenile Hurdles next season, so there will not be too long to wait. We will let Jason get going with him, and when he has got to know him, and assessed his character and physicality, we will decide on a plan for him, ie. which trainer he goes to and when etc. Until we have decided this I cannot obviously release full details, but I am inviting interested parties to get in touch to add themselves to the list, so that when the details are produced they are the first to know! There is already quite a list - and it is only getting longer! 07909 518902, or email nickbrownracing.co.uk. The second one is a gorgeous filly by Jukebox Jury, out of La Pelodette. I purchased her privately as a foal in Ireland having purchased the first three foals out of the mare. The second of these has gone on to be placed at Listed level in Ireland for Gordon Elliott after selling for 220,000 Guineas, and the third is in training in one of the best point to point yards in Ireland. Her sire Jukebox Jury is a horse we very much like, and our own Cloud Dancer was his first winner from his first crop that were conceived after his switch from Germany to Ireland - last weekend he had two impressive Point to Point winners in Ireland and he is a sire you are going to hear an awful lot more of in the coming years. This filly is very good looking and very correct - and will also be aimed at three year old races this autumn/winter. The third is a stunning daughter of Mahler, who is out of a black type mare who herself is a half sister to a Group 1 winner on the flat in the USA, and three black type horses over obstacles, in both the UK and Ireland She has a lovely pedigree and Jason really liked her when he broke her in last summer! She will be available to lease - with shares being priced at £25/wk all inc. Again get in touch if you would like to be added to her list of interested parties - she, like the other two will be aimed at 3 and 4 yr old races next autumn/winter. 

'Frank' settled in at Ivy Lodge Farm - By Blue Bresil - he will remain on the team and be syndicated. 

I had a trip out to the accountants on Wednesday morning, but managed to get back for a little leaving 'do' for our neighbour, Joan who at 93 has decided that the attraction of living in communal accomodation - with a free bar is all to strong, and she is off down to Chichester to be nearer her daughter. We will miss Joan, as she has the best sense of humour and fun, loves a fag and a glass of wine, and is never short of a quip. We will pop in and see her when we are down that way - like Joan - a free bar is all I need!  Wednesday nght was 'curry club', a new venue for us this month - Kaaizan's in St Neots - not in the most salubrious part of town - but the food and service made up for that - excellent! 

Thursday I was in the office - monthly admin to do - and also car insurance to sort out - still have no idea how insurance companies can justify doubling the premiums I have been paying on the same car for three years with no claims - surely the car is three years older and worth less - why double it?? Oddly - they couldn't answer that question either!! So they no longer have my business! 

Friday - having spent most of Thursday dealing with people about car insurance , I was once again confined to the office. But I did manage to sort one thing out - A good name for 'Frank' suddenly came into my head - we have always given Vegas' foals a Las Vegas themed stable name - hence Frank (Sinatra), and being by Blue Bresil, it suddenly struck me that a great name for him would be 'Old Blue Eyes' - Sinatra's nick name - a quick BHA search revealed that it was available - so I have asked Lauren to get him named! He will always be Frank - but he will appear in the racecard as Old Blue Eyes. I also got to finalise the account for The Lavendon Partnership who owned poor old Classic Ben who we lost to colic in February. A sad day - but nice to hear back from a good number of the syndicate to say that they are keen to get involved in the next one that we have available - we will be in touch with them through the summer - but once again - we will make sure that we get them the right one! Friday evening - back to Huntingdon racecourse - no they haven't started evening meetings under floodlights - this was the Huntingdon Rugby Club Sportsmans dinner - a great event, held in the Cromwell Suite at the racecourse. Andy Goode this years speaker, and good one too. A few scoops in the bar of the Holiday Inn before we got stuck into the free stuff, and an excellent night was had by all! Not a late one for me, Cheryls Taxis booked at a sensible hour, as I had a stable visit planned for Saturday morning. 

Luckily that visit wasn't a 2hr drive away - instead a short hop over to Newmarket to the Kings Yard at Egerton Stables to see Reflexion Faite, and meet up with a few of her new owners. Her trainer, Kevin Philippart De Foy had sent a very positive update video of her in the week, and it was good to get there and see for myself how she is coming on. The answer - very well. She is a small, light framed filly, which is what we wanted as we didn't want to wait all season for a runner, and she is very light on her feet and athletic. Kevin is really happy with her, and admits that she has surprised him a little with the speed that she is showing. We had all thought that she would be making he debut over 6 furlongs in May, but the more that she does every week, the more she is showing him, and now he thinks she could well make her racecourse debut later this month over 5f. It was really good to chat with MJ whom rode her in her exercise and hear her positive thoughts about her - she certainly thinks plenty of her, and is sure that she has a lovely future based on the feeling she is getting off of her at home. Reflexion Faite has a great mind, she is very settled, and nothing phases her - she loves her work, and is very balanced and athletic in her paces. I don't know how good she will be - but at this stage, everyone is really positive about her, and she should be lots of fun for her owners through the summer. We have just a couple of places left in her syndicate - please get in touch - you will not have to wait long for her first run!! 07909 518902 - £25/wk all inc! 

Reflexion Faite after exercise

She loves the camera!

Back in her box

Around the rest of the team all is well - sadly heavy ground in Uttoxeter meant we couldn't run Blue Bikini and Fortune Forever. Both have alternatives in the next couple of weeks. Both in good form - Blue Bikini will be a lot better than her last run - there were reasons for that, and we are hoping that Fortune Forever can end the season on a high note and get her head in front on her fourth and final bumper apperance. She certainly has the ability to do so - she is a lovely mare. Also in Ravenswell - Volkovka is declared to run in Ludlow tomorrow. Ferg and the team deciding to let her take her chance in a similar race to the one she contested on her last outing, against a lot of the same mares. We were hoping to find a mares race over slightly shorter, but none on the horizon - so she goes tomorrow. All building towards a fun autumn/winter with her next season - it has been a challenging first season chasing for her - mostly thwarted by the dry winter. We have not been shy and run her on ground that would be too quick for her, just to get her out and get some experience under her belt - all of which will stand her in good stead for a good time later in the year. Mamoon Star was a little sore with a cut after a disappointing run in Ludlow last week, when he is over that he will be checked by the vet, and further tests done to see why he jumps so violently right handed. 

At Warren Chase, the Olly Murphy team continue in great order - Auditoria has come out of her race well, and will be out again in a short while, Tintagel Queen has come out of her race in fantastic form - better than expected to be honest - we thought the two miles around a stiff track like Chepstow, in heavy ground would take some recovering from - but not a bit of it - she is showing how tough she is, and is in great form - so much so - that having said 'that would be it for the season' - she may now get one more run - she would need her conditons, and it would need to keep raining for that to happen - but the door has not been closed on the idea as yet. Itchy Feet is in rude health, and will head to Aintree in a couple of weeks. Not sure what race he will contest yet - he could get a number of entries, and we will chose the race where he is likely to collect the most prize money! I am very much looking forward to three days in Liverpool - the hotel is booked - again - the right weekend this time! Another that could still be heading to Aintree is Dino Bellagio - he met with a setback a couple of weeks ago, which looked to have completely scuppered his chances of getting there, and he had to miss the racecourses gallop that Donald gave all of Aintree runners last weekend - but he is getting back up to full speed again now, and there is still a chance he could make the bumper on the Saturday. It is very much day to day with him, but chatting to Donald on Tuesday in Huntingdon - he is happy with him, and we all have our fingers crossed! 

Down at Ivy Lodge Farm - Hidden Beauty was scanned this week, and the vet is really happy with her recovery from the pelvic fracture she suffered after her last run, She can start rehab, and then head out into the field for a summers break. She is in the right place, Jason has the perfect facilities to see her make a full recovery. Intrepide Sud is fine, he looks great - and it will not be long before the vet and physio have a look at Cloud Dancer, and see if he is over the mystery lameness that affected him after his win in Newbury. He seems fine again now, but best to be cautious with a nice young horse like him - after winning on hurdles debut in Newbury, he was only likely to have one more run this spring before a summer break anyway - so his owners have not missed out on too much - he will benefit from time, and will be a fun novice for next season. 

That just about sums things up for this week - thanks for dropping by - we had hoped to get a couple of winners on the board this week - but one win and a very close third from two runners will do - it maintains our unbelievable strike rate this season - it is looking a bit quieter in the next few days - just Volkovka tomorrow, but hopefully we will be able to put in a strong final month and add to the winners tally! 

Well done for getting this far - you really must be short of things to do on a Sunday morning! Enjoy the rest of the day, whatever you are doing! 

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