Bossing It!

Quite the week – a few horses, those that enjoy better ground, and/or have early season targets returned to their stables to start work again – I became another year older, but certainly no wiser, we tried to add another horse to the string, but came up short, and we had a couple of days in London spending Thursday at a small intimate venue, to see an up and coming musician – who, even with my limited knowledge of the music industry, looks to have a bright future!

            Monday was my Birthday and getting a few bits and pieces of paperwork done we headed into Bedford where we had to drop off to make. We decided to grab a bit of lunch at The Kingfisher, down by the river on the outskirts of the town. A hotel where we have attended many wedding receptions over the years, but never been for a bite to eat, and although we shelved plans to sit out on the veranda overlooking the river as there was a fair wind blowing and a bit of rain around, we did get a really nice sharing board for two, and it was a really enjoyable stop off. Then on to Cambridge for the afternoon a nice purchase and a couple of pints of Guiness before heading back to No 77 in Caxton for a birthday dinner with friends. No 77 was once the Cross Keys pub but is now a cosy village restaurant serving authentic Thai food in luscious surroundings with a vintage vibe. The food is great, and the interior is really fun – it is one of my favourite places, and as I get the choice on my Birthday – that’s where we headed! Another great night, plenty of hydration on tap – well worth a visit if you are that way – or even if you’re not – make the trip – it’s worth it!

            Monday, as well as being my Birthday, also signalled the day when some of the horses start to make their way back to their trainers or pre trainers. Two that have done their work for now are ‘Barry’ our 2 yr old Blue Bresil gelding, and a 3 yr old Kayf Tara filly recently purchased by a client who have both been broken in at Ivy Lodge Farm – they returned to The Elms on Monday, and going back in the opposite direction on the same lorry were Greyval and Old Blue Eyes. Greyval headed back to Ravenswell Farm, and OBE returned to Ivy Lodge Farm. Paddy Brennan has come up with a plan for Geyval, so she headed back a week early, and Jason felt that he needed a bit of extra time with Old Blue Eyes before he heads up to Donald McCains, so he has returned to him to further his education. Another one who’s summer holiday came to an end on Monday was Cloud Dancer – he had been summering at Ivy Lodge Farm, and has now returned to his stable and to work – he will be pre trained there before heading back to Gary Moore’s Cisswood Stables in a couple of months. He looks to have a very bright future, he is already a hurdles winner, but by taking advantage of the new National Hunt Juvenile Hurdle series last season, he remains eligible for novice races for the entirety of the 2023/24 season, and so we have high hopes that he will be adding to his tally over the coming months for sure. There is still that 1/6 share available in this gorgeous grey if you are interested – or 07909 518902 for full details!  The other one to get his summer holiday terminated was Dino Bellagio who headed back to Bankhouse early on Monday morning. Donald has a plan for him, and felt that he was best suited by being in early to give him the best options going forward!

Greyval heading back to Ravenswell Farm

Cloud Dancer back in his box at Ivy Lodge Farm (Share available)

            Tuesday I headed over to The Elms to meet Olly, and to see the horses there. It has been a long time since Olly and I last had a catch up and it was great to see him again! As ever – it was also good to grab a bit of lunch with him after we had had a good walk around the stud. Olly has been a member of our syndicates for a good while, and there was plenty to catch up on! The Red Lion in Brayfield is always a handy spot for a bit of lunch/dinner after a stud visit! The horses all look great at the stud – ‘Gorgeous George’ our Golden Horn foal is a real eyecatcher, he is definitely developing the right way, and is a wonderful wee lad. His mum, Savingforvegas was less than happy when we saw her on Tuesday – as she had carelessly allowed herself to be caught and was standing in the queue awaiting the farrier – she was not happy! Our Falco yearlings are doing great too – ‘Floyd’ – out of Savingforvegas is 'another pea from the same pod' as his half brothers One Eye On Vegas, Dino Bellagio and ‘Barry’ – he is a good looking, correct lad, and hopefully he has the ability of his older brothers! When ‘Barry’ returned to the stud on Monday he was turned out with the yearlings so ‘ Floyd’ is getting to spend time with his older half brother for a few weeks! ‘Finbar’ – Molly Childers’ first foal is also coming along fine, he was a typical first foal, and a little on the small and weak side, but his is doing great and he should be fine in the long run.

Half brothers - Floyd left, and Barry on the right. 

Gorgeous George and his grumpy mum! 

Mamoon Star


Blue Bikini

Tintagel Queen

Fortune Forever (Share available)

 On Wednesday it was good to get an update from Kevin Philippart De Foy regarding Reflexion Faite. She is in fine form and has come out of her Goodwood run in good order. On Wednesday she was entered in a 6f fillies novice stakes in Kempton next week. She is learning all the time, and after her third outing next week, she will be eligible for nurseries where she will be suited far better by the race conditions. Kempton, should she run will give us another stear as to her best trip in the future.

            Thursday we headed into London – for part 2 of the Birthday celebrations! Tickets to see the Legend that is Bruce Springsteen in Hyde Park, and an overnight stay in Kensington. We dropped our gear at the hotel and walked back to Hyde Park to be at the front of the queue when the gates opened at 1.00pm. We were soon in and grabbed a good spot in the centre of the stage. A great atmosphere on the lead up to the main man. Frank Turner and The Sleepless Souls opened things up and I have to say – played a really good set – I was amazed when he said that he had been recording and touring for 25 years and I had never heard of him! I was not alone, chatting to the folks around us, and after the event to friends that were there – they all say the same – their set was very very good! He seems to have gained a lot of fans on Thursday!  He also went down well with those in our immediate area who were following the third Ashes Test Match on our phones – as during his set – he managed to 'take’ 4 Australian wickets!!  After Frank Turner – it was the turn of The Chicks – formerly The Dixie Chicks, who bashed out a few of their hits, another band that have stood the test of time, albeit with a slight change of name. Then it was ‘The Boss -’ Springsteen came on stage at 7.00pm and simply blew everyone away for over 3 hours! I have never seen an individual have an audience so under his spell for that length of time – the show had everything, all the great songs you would expect, and the quiet acoustic guitar numbers that had the crowd mesmerised. There was fun, energy and some very sombre, thought provoking, moving moments along with plenty of laughs – in short the set had everything, and I was so glad that I was there to see it. A high energy performance from a man of 73 years of age – unbelievable – when you think how everyone marvelled at Sir Elton John headlining Galstonbury at 76, this man is only 3 years his younger, he had more athleticism and energy than a man of half his age! To sum it up, a privilege to have been there, I know lots of you have seen him on this tour and everyone has said how good it was – there were even a few owners and members in Hyde Park on Thursday – but we didn’t know we were all there until after the event, otherwise we would definitely have had a few beers in the sun! Safe to say I ached a bit when we got back to the hotel room – it was a long day on our feet in the sun!


Frank Turner got things going - great set! 

The main man!! 







Mid session interval

     Friday we enjoyed a nice breakfast along Bayswater Road before an amble through Kensington Gardens in the sunshine. We then headed down to The Natural History Museum, which is somewhere I had never been. It was a busy day there – and not the easiest walk around in the midst of what seemed to be a million children! I spent most of the time overheating and trying not to step on small people, but we got to see the exhibits we wanted to, before grabbing a cab, and heading off up to Covent Garden for Birthday part 3 – an early dinner in Rules – Londons oldest restaurant. Recommended by so many friends – we got there early, and found a home for a couple of cocktails in the upstairs lounge, before heading down to the dining room to eat. The pint if ice cold Guiness in a silver tankard was very welcome indeed, it was a warm day! Fantastic food, and great service, Rules was everything everyone had said it was! Superb. After we had eaten, we headed back to St Pancras and had enough time for a couple in The Betjemen Arms before we boarded the train – the perfect way to end 2 fantastic days! Thanks to Cheryl – the girl did good!

Having a 'Whale of a time'!! 

The oldest restaurant in Londaon

Ice cold Guiness in a silver tankard - just the job!! 

Saturday – recovery day – sadly no play for much of the day in Headingly – some good racing to enjoy though, and when play did resume at around 4-00pm it was certainly worth the wait – a great session for England – hopefully they can get the job done today!

            Next week another raft of horses return to work, Blue Bikini and Fortune Forever head back to Ravenswell tomorrow with Mamoon Star and the unnamed Mahler 3 yr old making the trip to the Cotswolds on Thursday. Hidden Beauty will also be making the short trip from Ivy Lodge Farm to Ravenswell this week. Our other unnamed 3 yr old filly will be heading to Alan King’s Barbury Castle stables this week and we are very much looking forward to starting out with Kingy! Olly Murphy will head down and collect Auditoria on Tuesday afternoon, and he will have Itchy Feet back in his box tomorrow. Tintagel Queen will head back to Warren Chase at the end of the month, at the same time Volkovka will return to Ravenswell Farm – both prefer soft ground so are suited by a later return to action. Intrepide Sud will return to pretraining in a couple of months.

           Last year we were hit with the sad passing of Kevin Bishop, who had been a member of the partnership that owned Molly Childers, and was also instrumental in our purchase of Fortune Forever. After Molly was retired, he was adamant that he wanted a share in another filly, and held out when geldings were offered - sticking to his guns!  So I had to get to work anf get him one - and that is how Fortune Forever came to be on the team. When Kevin left us, his family took the decision to maintian their interest in FF in his memory, but sadly they have had to make the difficult decision to sell the share in her. Like Kevin, they will always be part of her career, but things change and difficult decisions have to be made. I have posted her details on the FOR SALE page - have a look - and get in touch - she is a lovely looking, tough and hardy filly that will be well suited to 2m4f plus when she jumps hurdles this season. She will be winning races for sure! 

            It seems no sooner than the horses are heading out to the field, that they are coming back to work, and the cycle starts again – it won’t be long before we are back racing! There will be group stable visits organised for September when they will all be back cantering and we look forward to seeing lots of you over the course of the next few months!

            Now I have to get on a roof – if I make it up and down safely – we will catch up again next week – if there is no news next week – you will know that I came down faster than I went up!!

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