Three To Go.

Last weekend we became aware of some really sad news coming out of the Kevin Philippart De Foy yard, an as then unamed member of staff had been found dead at the yard in the early hours of Sunday morning. In accordance with the wishes of Kevin and the team, we left it to them to update us when the time was right. These situations are simply awful, and it was a huge shock to learn that the person that had passed away was Jordan Smith. We have not been involved in the yard for very long, but in our short time there Jordan was one of the guys in the yard that we had got to know,. We had met him on our stable visits, and he had led up Reflexion Faite when she ran in Goodwood. He was a lovely guy, he had turned out RF beautifully and won the Best Turned Out Award with her that evening. Along with being great at his job, and fantastic with the horses, Jordan was also excellent with people. and was so accomodating when her owners posed with their horse after the race.The news, as you would imagine came as a real shock and we pass on our thoughts and condolences to Jordans family, friends and everyone on the KPF Racing team. 

RIP Jordan.

This week has been fairly quiet, most of the horses are back at the trainers yards, or are in pre training. Just two remain at The Elms - both are mares that have a preference for soft ground, so both have been held back from returning to their trainers, as they don not need to be ready to race until November when soft ground is more likely. The two are Volkovka and Tintagel Queen, who, although not back in their yards,  have begun to do a little bit of exercise prior to their return to training on Monday 31st July. They spend their nights in the paddock and then come into their stables for breakfast. Later in the morning they have a spell on the walker, before returning to their stables - at this time of year it usually gets them out of the heat and the flies, but this week it has been more about them staying dry and warm! They have another spell on the walker ahead of going out in the field again. While on the walker they will have a pad and a roller on - the roller is simply a girth, that will get them acclimatised to being girthed when they return to training, and hopefully prevent any slight soreness in the area when they are ridden again, which can happen withnthe girth area getting softer over the summer period when they are not ridden.  With these weeks on the walker behind them both Olly and Fergal will be able to crack on with them when they arrive next Monday. The only other one who is not back in work is Intrepide Sud, who will come back into pre training at the end of the summer. He is looking fantastic and summering well down at Ivy Lodge Farm. 

Also on Monday it was good to get an update from Olly - Auditoria and Itchy Feet have settled back into their work routine really well, they are trotting away, and have started to have the odd canter on the round gallop. Olly sent a clip of Auditoria trotting in the arena on Monday and then some footage of Itchy and her returning from exercise on Wednesday. It is a huge help when trainers send these clips to us - running successful syndicates is all about communication - and having these updates to send out to owners and syndciate members is vital - it keeps everyone engaged and informed, and it has to be said Olly is very good in this regard. Owners are really good too - and always send their photos and videos to me to share with everyone when they have popped in to see their horses - Pete Smith sent a clip of his 'racing zebra', Greyval when he was in at Ravenswell on Monday morning before he headed out to Killarney for a few days racing later in the week. Greyval is in fine form and is cantering away nicely. 

Auditoria having a trot

Racing Stripes

Tuesday was a day spent in the office, I am getting through the prize money dividend payments now - just one Partnership left to send dividend details to, and a couple to settle up. As you can imagine - it is a long process but we are getting there now! 

On Wednesday we got the chance to auction off another of our winners trophys - this one from Blue Bikini's win in Warwick in May. We have always sent the proceeds of these auctions to The Injured Jockeys Fund and last year we managed to raise over £3000 for them - but the proceeds of this auction went to a different cause. Many of you will have read in the racing press about Betsy, Christian Willams' young daughter who was diagnosed with leukemia earlier in the year. Betsy has been going through some very severe chemotherapy in the last few weeks, and a fund rasier that was held a few weeks ago, with a £5,000 target, has currently raised over £22,000. Betsy has been through so much in the last few months, and it has also been a tough time for Chris and his wife Charlotte, so on this occasion we decided to donate the winning bid to their Just Giving Page, which will not only go towards helping Betsy, but will also help other young children who are diagnosed. £300 headed it's way to the charity - I matched the winning bid, and doubled the amount! Here is the link to the Just Giving Page should you wish to donate to this very worthy cause. Betsy has her last couple of severe doses of chemo in the next 2 weeks, and then goes into a long period of 'maintenance' therapy which Christian says should be a little more bearable for her.




On Thursday I had a catch up with Fergal - I needed to catch up with him to discuss Blue Bikini's ulcer regime this season. Fergal runs a very tight ship when it comes to ulcers, he gastroscopes every horse in the yard twice a season, and depending on what the vet sees on the scope he matches their training and treatments accordingly. It was very clear that Blue Bikini suffered badly with ulcers since the first day she came into training, and since she arrived at Ravenswell Farm she has been on a regime that has made a massive difference to her. That regime starts a couple of weeks after she arrives back after her summers break, which means that we need to start it on Monday - so Ferg and I just needed to touch base about that. All plans in place, and hopefully we will see the same results that we have seen in the past seasons - it makes a massive difference to her - it is no exaggeration to say that her entire personality changes when she has had the treatment, and that can be seen from the performances she has been putting up on the track! I also had a catch up with head man Kevin before he headed off for his annual leave. Kev is really happy with all the horses that have returned to Ravenswell - especially Mamoon Star who really has done well for his summer break - it was just what he needed and hopefully he can crack on and get back on track, after losing his way slightly towards the end of last season. He will be kept to better ground in the short term, and a step up in trip is on the cards as well. Fortune Forever looks great and he is thrilled with new girl Maria's Flame - who is going about her business as if she has been doing it all her life. He has also got his favourite girl back - Hidden Beauty returned on Monday, and Liam was soon in on Friday to see his girl. With him on Friday was Kevin - who enjoyed visiting the yard so much he snapped up a share in one of our syndicates - we wish him the best of luck with his first horse! 

Also down in the cotswolds - Old Blue Eyes is having the finishing touches put on him down at Ivy Lodge Farm before he heads up the M5/M6 to Donald McCain. Jason is absolutely delighted with him, he is turning into a very nice horse, and we can't wait to get cracking with him - he looks to have a really nice future, and there are a couple of shares left in him. He will join his half broither at Bankhouse, Dino Bellagio continues to 'do his thing' - to say that he is expressive, is an understatement, and he is certainly not the easiest of rides every morning! Thankfully he does possess a well above average level of ability, and Donald has some exciting plans for him this season when he starts over hurdles. Jason is pre training Cloud Dancer, who is another that has thrived for his summers break - he has grown, and strengthened, and will return to Gary Moore around the beginning of September. He is another one that looks like he will have a very successful season in novice hurdles. 

In Newmarket, Reflexion Faite did not take up,her engagement in Haydock on Friday - she had a few coughs earlier in the week, and a trach wash revealed that she was a little under the weather. She remained cantering, and targetted antibiotics should sort her out - she has an entry over 5f in Sandown on Wednesday. 

The 3 yr old Jukebox Jury filly has settled in well with Alan King - I hope to get down to see her in the next couple of weeks. 

I retained all limbs and digits last week after my hedge cutting stint - nothing so dangerous planned this week - although an 'all dayer' with The Doc this week could do more damage than roofs or hedges! Those that know will know!  

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