Love At First Sight!

            It has been some week – the arrival of Chevelle from France last week – the reports from Jason, and the clips of her schooling over barrels in the lose school after only being on British soil for a matter of hours certainly peaked plenty of interest. There was a real clamour for shares– four were reserved before anyone knew anything about her, including her name! As last weekend progressed more and more people got in touch and by Monday seven of the 10% shares had names on them.

            In the early part of the week it was all go sending out details and updates to interested parties – add into the equation the end of month administration, and that makes for a busy week – add into that the year end syndicate dividend payments – and you could say it has been nothing short of manic. Monday was spent in the office sorting those dividends for each syndicate – but while I was sat in a cool office, Debbie was out in the midday sun getting some pics and videos of Chevelle down at Ivy Lodge Farm. It was the perfect day to show off a beautiful chesnut filly, who was absolutely gleaming under cloudless skies – and Debbie once again did a fantastic job in capturing her in all her glory. Having professional photographs of our horses is so good for our syndicate members and owners, who would otherwise have to rely on my poor iphone images. We are very lucky to be able to work so closely with Debbie, who crammed this shoot into an already very busy schedule – thank you Debbie.

Debbie hard ar work in the midday sun! 



The results of Debbie's work - Chevelle! 

The other issue that we had to resolve this week was the future of Auditoria who had disappointed in Worcester the previous week. She had come out of her race well but had made it clear that she no longer wished to be a racehorse. She would not be easy to re-home as she has her own peculiar ways – but there was an option for her, and luckily that one worked out, and with an almost unanimous decision among her owners to retire her – she will head off to her forever home in the next couple of weeks. She has been plenty of fun for her owners – competitive in her grade, she has spent the last three seasons running well, always finishing in the places and bringing home a pay cheque – giving her syndicate a great day out in the process. It has been really good to see plenty of her syndicate take up shares in some of the other horses on the team – I thank them for their continued trust and support – it is very much appreciated. There is a full list of currently available shares at the end of this weeks news – some very nice horses in there!

            Tuesday, and it was my turn to see Chevelle in the flesh for the first time – and discuss with Jason a plan for her going forward. As I was travelling down to the Cotswolds – I thought I may as well pop into Ravenswell first thing, and as I was going to be there it seemed like the perfect day to pick up a client from Milton Keynes who has a share in Mamoon Star and who was also very keen on owning a share in Chevelle. At Ravenswell we would meet up with John, who had already purchased his share in Chevelle, but having had a share in a horse with us for a few years, had never had a share in one in training with Fergal O’Brien, so he was keen to see the yard before he met his new horse. We were in at Ravenswell early, and it was good to see the horses looking so well. A few jockeys were in to ride out, and everyone was in good form, although the trainer was moaning about the lack of jumps racing for the next 3 weeks! Fergal made a good point – it is right that the jockeys have a break – but instead of stopping all racing, why not stage races that are only open to up and coming jockeys and those that, for example didn’t ride 20 winners last season. At this time of year all of the stable staff are at the yards as all the stables are full, so why not use the period to put on a few races that will help the second tier jockeys. That way it will alleviate the problem that we ran into last week when there were 268 entries for the Uttoxeter card last Friday as everyone wanted to get a run into their horses before they had to stay at home for 3 weeks. Fergal had the three that we currently have in work there out third lot. Greyval and Intrepide Sud did a couple of turns on the round gallop before doing two canters up the hill, and Mamoon Star worked on the hill. MS is in blinding form – it has been a long time since I have seen him look and move so well. He is in such good form, that, having been balloted out of his intended race in Uttoxeter last week, on Tuesday we did have a quick look for a race for him on the flat. Sadly, there was nothing suitable and he will have to wait until this mid summer hiatus is over. It was good to catch up with Connor Brace, who has been cantering Maria’s Flame at his yard – and we decided to get her back into the swing of things at Ravenswell next week – and she will arrive back with Fergal on Monday.

Intrepide Sud 

Greyval and Remmie

Lor very happy with Mamoon Stars work

Mamoon Star 

Having seen three lots in Ravenswell, we headed over to Ivy Lodge Farm. I had been looking forward to seeing Chevelle in the flesh since I purchased her, and I was not disappointed – what a beautiful filly. She has a real presence – she is a big imposing girl, with a wonderful temperament. She was paraded for both of the men with me, John had already liked her an brought a share, and it didn’t take long for the other man to say ‘I’m in’ too! She continued to be very popular, I had fielded a call from a man who along with his wife have had shares in horses with me since 1999, and he snapped up one of the remaining shares on the spot – there were very few left now!

The sky is the limit 


Chevelle's full brother - 'Gatsby' He's a very impposing 2 yr old - share available! 

Having seen Chevelle, it was great to see her full brother ‘Gatsby’ looking in fantastic shape as well. Jason has kept him in work for a few extra weeks – and he is really showing the benefit of that. Only a two year old, he is a very imposing young horse – and with his full sister on the team – we are in a prime position to enhance his pedigree before he sees the racecourse! Being a warm afternoon – we swerved the offer of a coffee – but John wasn’t going to pass up the offer of one of Maguires cold beers – which led to four of us, sitting in the sun and chewing the fat over a couple of cold ones – some day!

            Having spent Tuesday looking at horses (and drinking a couple of cold ones) and with Wednesday being the last day of the month – it was the day to complete the monthly admin and get the syndicate dividends paid. It was a long day in a warm office, and we got most of it done – although a couple of groups have had to wait for pay day! The prize money will be with those remaining syndicates on Monday. Sadly, being so busy meant that I had to pass up on the chance to go to Glorious Goodwood this week as well – a real shame as it is one of my favourite flat meetings of the year. Thankfully not too long to wait for another of my favourites – the Ebor meeting in York – that is a cracker, and we are looking to have a couple of days there this year.

            When we saw Chevelle on Tuesday – I had a chat with Jason about a plan for her, and we agreed to crack on and get her schooled over hurdles, thus keeping her in work, but not giving her a hard time, and using the period to freshen her up a bit too. We know that she is a natural over an obstacle as we had seen how enthusiastic and brave, she had been in the lose school on Friday, but would she be as good when ridden? Wednesday told us what we wanted to know – she was popped over barrels in the arena and took to it like a duck to water – she really is a natural and really does enjoy jumping. She looks like she is a real bargain, and I can’t wait to see her make her debut over hurdles in our colours!

            On Thursday Jason went a step further with Chevelle, and after seeing her over barrels the day before it was time to see what she could do over a hurdle – yet again – superb! Everything we hoped she would be – and when the video of that went out – it took about 5 minutes for the remaining shares to be snapped up – she is now SOLD OUT!

            Another one to school over hurdles this week was Finbar – who ended his period of Primary School with a pop over a hurdle in the arena on Friday. Finbar is a spirited young man – and although he not been particularly naughty – he does like to make his feelings known, and it is very interesting that it has taken 3 weeks longer to get him to the stage he reached on Friday, than his mate Floyd – who was as good as gold through the whole process and has enjoyed the benefit of being so, by being out in the field while Finbar has been finishing his stint.

            Saturday, I spent typing – I put together the latest In Behind feature for the members page of The Red Sash Racing Club – it documents, through text and video,the process of breaking in a horse, and we follow Floyd through the 5 weeks it took to break him in. Each step is explained – and it highlights probably the most important period in a horse’s life. If you would like to learn all about it – simply buy a share in Ridin Solo, receive your membership and log onto the Members Area on the website and watch the whole process from start to finish. You will also receive over £30 of free Tote bets, and of course get a share in a very well handicapped horse for the 2024/25 season! All that for just £79 for the season!!

            Around the rest of the team – Tintagel Queen is cantering away, and Olly is very happy with the way that she is moving. Also at Warren Chase – Itchy Feet is really well, and stepped up his workload on August 1st.

At Bankhouse – Dino Bellagio is cantering, and Old Blue Eyes will be doing the same very soon, along with Ridin Solo – the latter pair summered well and Donald is really pleased with all three.

Down with Gary and Josh Moore, Cloud Dancer is cantering away and is another that is moving well, after having a few niggly problems last season – given a clear run we should have some fun with him this time round.

Alan King is thrilled with Rockola who is doing two canters and doing them nicely. The Lindas Lad filly was coming together a little too quickly, and as her programme doesn’t start until October, he has given her a few weeks off to freshen up. She has had a lot to deal with in a short space of time, going through the sales, being broken in and then working away at Barbury – the break will fit in well, and she is still on course to make her debut in October.

            Now that all the horses are back in work – and building up to full fitness, it is time to update everyone with the shares that we have available in a few of them. Your chance to grab a share in some lovely horses – no capital fees to pay – and all inclusive monthly fees.

We have the following spaces available:


Dino Bellgio


2 shares available 

A dual bumper winner he is a hugely talented individual who had torrid luck last season. Brian hughes put him up in a couple of pre season publications 12 months ago - as his novice hurdler to follow for the season 

Sadly, he suffered a set back on debut - and we struggled to get him right after that - he is now back in training - is 100% fit and well - back with Donald McCain and cantering already. 

Donald had big plans for him last season - it is hoped he can follow the same path as we had mapped out for him last term.


Maria's Flame 


2 shares available 

Made an eyecatching debut in a Ludlow bumper, and was very much fancied to run a huge race on her next start, but suffered a pelvic injury in that race and missed the rest of the season. 

Only recently Fergal reiterated how much he likes her - her homework is very good - and she has been schooling since she was 2 and absolutely loves it. She will be a fun mare in mares novice hurdles this season. 

She is in pre training with Connor Brace and returns to Fergal O'Brien on Monday.


Tintagel Queen 


3 shares available 

In training with Olly Murphy 

A very big mare with a very big pedigree, she is a full sister to a Grade 1 hurdler. 

She was 5th on debut before being beaten inches on her next start in Chepstow. 

We had high hopes for her last season - on her hurdles debut in Lingfield she was an eyecatching 3rd, and Olly was confident that she would be in the winners enclosure on her next start, but she suffered an injury to a hind leg ahead of her next run, and had to have the rest of the season off. 

She is back cantering, and Olly said last week that he would be very surprised if she wasn't winning mares hurdles this season. 

Leased share - no capital cost. 

£110/month - cover all costs apart from Ulcer treatments. 


Un Named 3 yr old filly By Lindas Lad x Samandara


A lovely filly that was broken in in the spring and has been in training with Alan King who has been really pleased with her. 

He had been planning to carry on training her until the junior bumpers begin in October - but she was coming to hand so quickly that he has now given her a couple of weeks off away from the yard, but she will be aimed at the first of the 3 yr old bumpers in October. Should she prove herself capable, she could well go to Cheltenham in January - a race we have targeted in the past. 

She is well put together - and has a lovely pedigree - her dam bred 7 winners from her 8 foals, with two gaining black type.


There is the odd share for sale in some of our smaller groups 

Have a look at our FOR SALE PAGE and let me know if there is any of them you would like further details on.


These shares are available on a strictly first come first served basis! 

I hope there is something among them that you like - if you would like any further information on any of them, please give me a call on 07909 518902


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