Bad Light - Good Fun!

            As we roll into September and the curtains are drawn that little but earlier every evening, as the leaves on the trees relinquish more and more of their spring and summer vibrancy, it can only mean one thing – the core winter jumps season is nearly upon us!

            September also signals the start of our weekly stable visits – a great time for owners and syndicate members along with their friends and family to meet up, see their horses canter, and chat about the plans and aspirations for the upcoming season.

            Monday, and as is more often than not – a video from Ravenswell Farm hits the inbox. Monday at FOB Racing, like a lot of yards is a schooling morning. The horses will have had a day off on Sunday, and it is usual for them to have an easier day on a Monday to ease them back into the working week, so having a pop over a few hurdles and fences is a great way to get their muscles moving again while honing the techniques of the younger horses.

This week it was Chevelle who we saw skipping up a few flights of hurdles. She has been very good since she started over obstacles – an absolute natural – and we are all looking forward to her making her hurdling debut in either late September or early October.

We had thought that we would be having the first of the ‘winter’ team entered on Monday morning. Josh Moore had identified a race at Fontwell for Cloud Dancer, and after a couple of bits of work under Tom Quelley he had felt that it was a good starting spot for him, but on Monday morning, after chatting the entry through with his dad, Gary – plans were shelved. CD is fine, but it was felt that the race would come a bit quick for him, and Gary wasn’t overly comfortable with the ground so he would wait and start his season a little later in the month. It is good to hear that Cloud Dancer is in such good form. The very wet winter last season, ( Cisswood Stables were one of the wettest I visited throughout the year) led to a few foot issues for our handsome grey, and he was never 100% - he was always struggling a little bit. With a clear run so far with him through a drier autumn, he is moving and working very well – and we hope that he can hit that winners circle again very soon!

This week was another with very little jumps racing, especially at the start of the week, so Monday afternoon, with a little time on my hands it was time to choose a victim and give him a call – Donald McCain the chosen one this time! Always good to catch up with Donald as we tend to spend a lot of time talking about recent and upcoming sales across the UK, Ireland and France but with the season creeping ever closer, and the horses getting fitter and fitter every week – it was good to get an update on their progress.

Dino Bellagio is the furthest forward – as you will know if you read this waffle every week – he’s a bit of a live wire, so Donald has to keep him well up to his work to prevent him being a danger to himself and those that look after him – he has already forced an unscheduled meeting with regular rider Charlie Maggs and the ground at least once since he has been back in work! Dino has been doing two miles on the round gallop for a few weeks now – and Donald decided it was time for him to add ‘once up the hill’ to his training regime this week. Dino is looking fantastic and after giving himself an almighty fright on hurdles debut last season and then picking up an injury when he looked to be cruising on his comeback run after months of homework to help him regain his confidence, we are all really looking forward to seeing the very best of Dino this season. He is a horse that Donald has always held in the very highest regard, and we just have to put a line through last term and aim him down the quality path that his trainer had mapped out for him this time last year. After a low-level start, the ability that he has always shown at home would suggest that he should be taking his syndicate members to some really nice meetings this time round! There is a couple of shares left in him – Geoff grabbed a share this week – and we wish him the best of luck with his new horse – a new man is coming to the open day at the yard next weekend to meet him, which will leave just a single share – get in touch if you would like to go racing with Dino – it is never dull! 07909 518902 – email Shares are leased – no capital payment, and a £25/wk fixed all inclusive fee. An Owners badge every time he runs – stable visits at your convenience, and 100% of your share of the prize money won during the season.

His half brother Old Blue Eyes is a week or two behind Dino – but he is really taking his trainers eye. He was in full training last autumn and showed everyone what he was capable of – he was very impressive in his homework, but like a lot of young jumps bred horses, he suffered a small injury – just a ‘young horse’ thing that meant that he came out of training for a couple of months over Christmas, returning when he had recovered. We had hoped to get him out to a racecourse for a gallop before he headed off for a summer break, but we ran out of time, and he headed to a summers grass with ‘all dreams intact’. He is a lovely horse – a very bright prospect, and I can’t wait to see him make his debut in a bumper next month. Although Donald likes to get his horses competing over hurdles as soon as possible – he has seen enough of Old Blue Eyes to consider giving him a season in bumpers before he heads novice hurdling. This is very positive – as it means that he thinks OBE is capable of running in a couple of very smart races at the end of the season – which is very exciting!

Red Sash Racings Ridin Solo looks a different horse this time round. He has changed out of all recognition for a summers break – after winning his Irish Point to Point last autumn, he had three runs over hurdles for Club members, showing plenty of ability over an inadequate trip. He will certainly benefit for a step up in distance and will be even better over a fence later in the season. He could be a ‘well handicapped’ horse twice in one season and looks a certainty to give Club members a huge amount of fun this winter! Buying a share in him – for just £79 – gives you ownership of a share in Ridin Solo - £30 of free Tote Bets, yard visits, and owners badges when available – join in the fun – head over to and grab yourself a share in a very nice horse! Donald is delighted with him – and is a horse that he thinks will really come to the fore this time round – not being hard trained for a point to point so early in the season will be a huge benefit to Ridin Solo, and you can really see it both in the way he looks and the way he is moving!

            Tuesday – a week ago I had asked Fergal to do a couple of short videos for me, for a project that I was planning for National Racehorse Week (which started yesterday). Ferg finally got round to doing them a week later, and then managed to ‘not quite get them right’! It helps if you are with the right horse! Not to worry. Olly Murphy got everything right – but was beaten by the weather – his recording would have to wait until Wednesday as Tintagel Queen was out in a torrential storm, and Olly wasn’t getting out of the car let alone getting a video of her!

Mid morning I headed up to NCK motors to get the car MOT’d again – another pass – great to see Nick again – and have a good catch up. We don’t see enough of each other through the year – but have promised to meet up at the rugby club as often as we can over the winter for a few Guiness’!

In the afternoon I had chat with Fergal regarding Chevelle and her homework – Johnny Burke had been really happy with her schooling, and had ridden her in a piece of work up the hill on Tuesday and had been very happy with her. Fingers crossed as always, but at this stage it looks like we have a nice one on our hands again – the perfect filly for the plan that we have for her – a plan that we have carried out successfully every time that we have tried it – so we know what it takes to achieve it and in Chevelle we look to have just the right horse!

Alan King sent a video through of Rockola on the hill gallop. Another one that has really benefitted from her summers break, she is a much more mature and stronger filly this time round. Having shown that she has a nice bit of ability last term when placed in two bumpers and finishing second on her final hurdles start she showed how tough she was as she really didn’t appreciate soft ground but just got her head down and toughed it out – she will start in mares novice hurdles in early October.

            Wednesday – and an overdue trip out to The Elms to see the matriarch, Savingforvegas, her three sons – Barry, Floyd and George, and of course Molly Childers’ own Finbar.

‘Vegas’ looks fantastic – she travelled over to France in the spring and returned a few weeks later in foal to the very exciting young French stallion Nirvana du Berlais. As ever she is blooming in her pregnancy and is in fine fettle – bossing all the other mares around as usual.


Her lads look fantastic as well – great to see three half brothers in the field together. Barry (Blue Bresil 3yr old) and Floyd (Falco 2 yr old) are nearly identical, and George (Golden Horn yearling) has an awful lot of quality. Finbar (Falco 2 yr old out of Molly Childers), although a difficult pupil when being broken in with Jason Maguire is a really nice looking individual – he is typical of a first foal in that he isn’t overly big, but his is supremely athletic and very very tough – He has all the hallmarks of an early type for the three yr old bumpers and hurdles next year. It was great to catch up with Louise for a coffee and our usual chit chat – and enjoy a nice morning walking around the fields looking at the stock.

The three boys!



Finbar and Floyd

Louise and Finbar

Another youngster back out in the field is ‘Gatsby’ the two year old full brother to Chevelle who had a full on summer being backed and worked quite strenuously at Ivy Lodge Farm – it was what he had showed us during this period that prompted us to make a play for his big sister – he is a lovely horse, and has a very nice future ahead of him. He is another one that will be aimed at junior bumpers and juvenile hurdles in a years time.


Shares are available in this gorgeous grey – have a look at him on the FOR SALE page.

            Thursday – with the first syndicate morning looming – and as the horses approach full fitness and a return to the track I thought it was a good idea to have a detailed chat with Fergal about a few plans – no point in me telling the crowd on Saturday that their horse was heading towards a seasonal debut at a certain time and at a certain track only for the trainer to say the opposite! It was good to finalise a couple of plans. We did differ on a couple of them – but have now got a plan in place for them all. Chevelle will head to a juvenile hurdle in Market Rasen at the end of the month but depending on the weather forecast – she could head to a fillies race a few days later – that decision will be made nearer the time. We agreed to see how Greyval worked on Friday before giving her a target, Maria’s Flame would have another run in a mares’ bumper before switching to hurdles. She can have one more run in a bumper and it makes sense to start her off without the inconvenience of 8 flights of hurdles in the way. It will get the freshness out of her after her break and serve to put her spot on for her hurdles debut. She loves jumping and we are all looking forward to seeing what she can to over hurdles this season. There are a couple of shares available in her – again head to the FOR SALE page to see her full details. Intrepide Sud is in great form and working very well – Olly who rides him every day is really happy with him – and he will make his seasonal debut in late September/early October. He needs one more run for a hurdles handicap mark – we will then test that mark over hurdles before switching to fences where he will really be seen at his best. Mamoon Star – was a little under the weather last week – and is on a course of antibiotics to put him right – he needs to go right handed – and with few options for him over hurdles that way round for a few weeks we could look at an option for him on the flat in the meantime.

In the afternoon Olly came through with the Tintagel Queen video. A little while ago I came up with an idea for National Racehorse Week – on the stable doors of those horses that we have shares available in – we have produced an advert for those that are touring the yards. While walking around the stables – visitors will be able to stop by and give Tintagel Queen a pat and a fuss, and while they are doing so – they can scan a QR code posted on her stable door which will take them to a video of TQ on the gallops, alongside a clip of Olly telling them all about her while giving her a cuddle in her stable. Quite funky for me – hopefully it will work! No need for you to scan a QR code – this is the excellent video that Will and Olly put together for us!



            Friday – an away day – Thanks to Paul who had snaffled a ticket for the first day of the Test Match at The Oval. My first visit to the ground. A great day with a super group of lads from Biggleswade Rugby Club. We even managed to get a very fortuitous upgrade to the Lock Balcony which was a fantastic spot to watch a days cricket! If only there had been one – we were quite surprised they started on time given the light, but they did – and we saw around 100 minutes of play before the light worsened and they headed in for an early lunch. When the drizzle started to blow in around 2pm, and the skies in the direction from where the weather was coming from filled in, we decided to head for the pub – only for the light to improve almost as soon as we left the ground, and for play to restart half an hour later! We watched a few overs in the beer garden of The Duchy before heading back, only for bad light to bring an early end to proceedings a little later on. Even though we didn’t see too much cricket – it was a fun day with great company!


Olly Pope celebrates his century. 


The light dimmed

During the morning session I got the clip of Greyvals piece of work that would determine her immediate plans – it was very good – and she will head to Market Rasen at the end of the month!


            The fact that play ended a little early at The Oval on Friday meant that I was back home at a reasonable hour and in bed by 10.00pm which was vital, as we were getting up at 4.30am and heading down to Ravenswell Farm for the first of the syndicate mornings. A large group would be there, and we were really looking forward to catching up with everyone. On a misty morning – that Debbie banned me from calling ‘atmospheric’. We got to see all 5 out on the hill gallop. They all did two canters, and all looked great. Thanks again to ‘team snapper’ Debbie who once again produced a wonderful album of photos of a great morning that was sent to everyone with a horse in training at the yard. We are very lucky to have Debbie on the team – and hugely appreciate the work she puts in producing stunning pictures and videos for our owners and syndicate members.

The 'Snapper' has snapped! 

Stable jockey Johnny Burke is another who went above and beyond – he rode Chevelle third lot and Maria’s Flame fourth lot – after which he made himself available to chat with everyone that was there. It was great for everyone there to get the chance to chat with Johnny and he was very generous with his time.

I too got to chat with Johnny away from the crowds – and he was very positive about all the 5 we have in the yard – he had made some suggestions and had put plans in place for a few of them. He had suggested to Ferg that Chevelle should go for an away day gallop with a couple of other horses, to a longer and less steep gallop. He has found that she has an abundance of speed and needs to get a handle on how long she can maintain that speed in a longer piece of work. She will head away on Tuesday, and one of the horses she will work in behind will be Greyval. Johnny will ride Chevelle and this piece of work will give him a great insight into how he will ride her on her hurdles debut. Johnny also had some very interesting things to say about Greyval – and although, in his own words he ’ballsed up’ in the spring he feels that we could well see a different Greyval this season – it was fascinating to hear what he had to say about her. He has always liked Intrepide Sud and says he will win over hurdles before switching to fences – and he was surprised how green Maria’s Flame was – it was the first time he had sat on her, and if he didn’t know better, he would have said she had never run before. That means there is improvement still to come so that is very positive as well. Of Mamoon Star, he is still convinced that given an intermediate trip and a right handed track he will be winning over hurdles very soon – I hope he is right!

Maria's Flame

Johnny and Maria


Intrepide Sud

Mamoon Star

Greyval and Fern

Chevelle and Johnny

Around the yards


A big turnout!! 

Connor Brace was not at Ravenswell but he was at home and sent an update on Itchy Feet who has been with him and his partner Alex for the last month – doing some old fashioned road work. Itchy heads back to Warren Chase Stables on Tuesday, and back to cantering on the round gallop.

That just leaves the Lindas Lad filly who is back in work with Jamie Magee. She will be back at Barbury Castle in time for the stable visit there on the 21st.

It was great to see so many people at Ravenswell Farm yesterday morning – this week is National Racehorse Week which is an opportunity for everyone to book a place and have a look behind the scenes at a racing yard.

 Our visits through September are open to all, and if you can’t make a visit this week, you can always join us on one of ours – the more the merrier! Just drop me a line and let me know that you would like to come and how many will be in your group.

The mornings are tremendous fun, and it is great to meet up with like minded people and see some fantastic horses!

Our remaining dates are

Saturday 14th – Donald McCain – 8.30-11.30am

Saturday 21st – Alan King – 8.30-11.30am

Saturday 28th – Olly Murphy – 8.30-11.00am


Book a spot – and we will see you there!

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