Good To Get Going

Grab your water wings and strap yourselves in – it’s going to be a long one!

Monday – unbelievable weather – so much rain overnight – one of those – ‘I’ve never seen rain like it moments’ – the slight difference with this – it lasted all night! Water everywhere on Monday morning – and it was only going to get worse!

First thought – check going in Fontwell – if they had got the rain we had, their ground was sure to have gone very soft! Cloud Dancer declared to run on Tuesday – a horse that has let us know in no uncertain terms that he really doesn’t appreciate soft ground – a horse whose season has been planned around getting him out on the track early to take advantage of a sounder surface – he could have his return to the track scuppered by this unprecedented rainfall before it had begun. Amazingly – their ground no worse than Good to Soft – he would still run.  

Market Rasen also dodged the worse of the rain and their ground was still Good for their meeting on Saturday 28th – Greyval got her entry in the £40,000 Prelude Hurdle. This was the right place to start her season off – it wouldn’t be easy making her seasonal debut in a £40k handicap hurdle, against the boys after her summer break but there was a big pot to aim at and she has been in fantastic form at home!

Later in the morning, with confirmation that the ground was indeed OK in Fontwell it was time to sort the Owners Badges for those who were making the trip to Fontwell – the team at the track very very accommodating and helpful – it is one thing that Arena Racing have got right over the last couple of years – their handling of syndicates and the numbers of attendees associated with them has been top class – they have plenty of shortcomings in other departments, but on this front they really have stepped up – and it makes my job a lot easier I can tell you!

Last week I mentioned that there was the possibility of starting a second Breeding Syndicate – and thanks very much to those that got in touch to say they would be interested in such a venture. In the end an offer came in from Ireland for the mare, which was accepted, and she has been sold to continue her broodmare career over the Irish Sea. As those of you that follow us regularly will know – I do love the breeding side of the industry – and having set up a syndicate and bred a foal a few years ago (The Denton Partnership – bred and own ‘Barry’ who heads into training later this year) – I am keen to do so once again – so watch this space!  The mare we had in mind will have her Golden Horn filly foal weaned in mid October and make the trip to Ireland a couple of weeks later.

In the afternoon I turned my attention to getting the horse that we had purchased for clients in France over to the UK. It was not possible to collect him on the transport that returned over the weekend so other arrangements had to be made – there were no lorries in France coming back – and the storms also meant that plenty of the sailings were ‘No Horses’. Since Brexit the amount of paperwork that goes into moving horses across borders is huge – and every time a scheduled crossing is cancelled – the whole lot has to be changed again! Gone are the days when you could just book on a ferry, with your horse and two passports and make the trip – now there are all sorts of Customs implications, and I certainly wouldn’t want the job for sure. Luckily we have a girl that can – and we put another plan in place.

I spoke to Donald in the afternoon to get an update on the team we have there. Old Blue Eyes had done his first faster piece of work and I was keen to know how he had gone. He is a horse that everyone holds in high regard – but who had just suffered a few issues that are not uncommon in young horses when he was in training last season, but he had done some eye-catching work up the hill before we were forced to give him a mid-winter break – and I was keen to find out how things had gone with him. Donald was very happy – he keeps reiterating how much Old Blue Eyes has changed and how he has matured and strengthened and his report of his piece of work was very encouraging! Red Sash Racing’s Ridin Solo also worked very well on Saturday and is the most forward of the three that are there. Donald always likes to get his runners away for a racecourse gallop before they make their seasonal debuts but this year the tracks that he would usually use are not open to gallopers until much later in October – so he has decided that a few of them will head to the track without an ‘away day’ this season. They will undoubtably come on for their first runs of the season – but it will be good to get them going. Ridin Solo will be the first of the three at Bankhouse to get entries! Last but certainly not least – Dino Bellagio. Dino is in great form – he is showing no ill effects of the injury that wreaked havoc on his 2023/23 season – he is working very well and has been schooling great as well. Donald has changed his training regime this season – and he is doing all of his work with a 132 rated, 5x winning hurdler – something that Donald says, ‘Dino would find very easy’! Like Ridin Solo – Dino is not far off making his seasonal debut – I can’t wait to see this character back on the track – he has huge amounts of ability, and we are all hopeful that he can show his true form on the track this season and get his career back on course! If he does – there is a massive amount of fun to be had with him!

One man that logged onto the weekly epistle last Sunday evening was Dave – an old friend, who likes to keep an eye on what we do. Dave was in a couple of syndicates with us a few years ago – but when we made a few changes, and expanded our list of trainers, he chose to keep his ownership interests ‘closer to home’ – Dave saw that a share was available in Dino Bellagio and got in touch on Monday evening to have a chat about him. He would have a sleep on it and get back to me later in the week. Either way – it was good to hear from Dave again – and equally nice to know that at least one person reads this!

            Tuesday – Missed the usual Monday morning video from Ravenswell this week – nice to bag one on Tuesday – Greyval schooling under Jack Hogan. I would be chatting to Ferg later in the week to discuss jockey options for Saturday.

The ridiculous weather over the previous 48 hours had left a few areas under water – most notably the A421 at Marston - my usual route to the M1 – and therefore a road I would be taking to get down to Fontwell to see Cloud Dancer run. The area around Marston had really copped an awful lot of rain – the record was a few miles away in Woburn where they tipped 142mm (nearly 5 inches in old money) out if the rain guage! The A421 junction featured on a lot of social media and even national news and led to several funny images appearing on line.



Members of the NBR Parascending team having fun on the A421

 With the road closed it was a case of enduring a trip through Bedford Town Centre – a route that a lot of other commuters were forced to take – meaning gridlock everywhere around the town – I made a few turns around some backroads I have not been along for a very long time – one may have been a Bus Route now, but it was too late – it is probably 30 years since I have driven around that part of town – things change – anyway we got through and after it taking an hour to do the first 20 minutes of my trip to Fontwell the rest of the journey was uneventful.

I was really looking forward to getting back racing again – summer jumping has its place – but it really feels like we are getting going when we get the first of the autumn/winter team back on the track. It is no secret that last season was far from ideal – and it felt like a clean slate and a fresh start. Good to see so many of Cloud Dancers owners on track – CD like so many of ours last term had suffered with a host of niggly problems – most notably with his feet – caused by the unbelievably wet winter – with a summer break behind him – so are his problems and he had been working well at home. CD is a horse that we know needs at least 2m4f – and this trip was almost sure to be on the sharp side for him, especially around the tight turns of Fontwell – but the ground and the grade of race were right for him – it was just down the road from Gary and Josh’s Cisswood Stables and it would serve the purpose of getting him back on track. I always felt that a win was probably asking a little too much – but we do know that CD is on a nice mark and away from soft ground, he should be able to run into a bit of place money. He looked great in the paddock – ready to run, but sure to come on for it. Nial Houllihan was in the plate and was to sit mid division and ride the race as he found it. CD got into a nice rhythm and jumped well in the main – after is layoff he was slightly ‘ring rusty’ and was caught flat footed as the pace quickened away from the stands for the final circuit. Nial had to keep him up to his work down the back – and in fifth and under pressure turning in it looked like he would struggle to make the first three. I should not have worried, as they made the climb up the hill to home the stamina started to kick in and he stayed on very strongly to finish a good second. So many positives – backed from 9/1 into 9/2, the each way money was landed, with huge promise of things to come. Cloud Dancer is a horse that will be seen over 3 miles before the end of the season – but we will get there in stages – and there will be huge amounts of fun to be had with him on the way. After the trials of last season, it was good to start of on a very positive note – a really fun day!


Cloud Dancer in the paddock

Coming back in

Pleased with himself

As were his owners!

While down in Fontwell I caught up with Olly Murphy who had seen Tintagel Queen school under Sean Bowen on Monday and who was full excitement for the coming season with her. TQ had been really good, and both Sean and Olly are thrilled by how much better she feels this term. Sean says she is so much more mature and balanced than she was at this time last year – and everyone is very hopeful that she will have a really good time of things this season. Olly said she would head over to Robert Waley Cohen’s on Thursday for her first piece of faster work – she would not be fully extended as that would come next week when she will travel away for a racecourse gallop over 2 miles on turf, which will be far better for her than a rapid 6 furlong dash on an artificial surface around a bend. Sean will be on hand to ride her in that work – and Olly thinks that she will be ready to run a week or so afterwards!  

Also, while down in Fontwell, it was good to get an email from Red Sash Racing Club member, Kieth who had been into Donalds a couple of weeks ago and seen the horses work and meet Ridin Solo for the first time. He had been impressed and decided to take a share in Dino Bellagio -we wish him the very best of luck with his new horse!

The journey home was trouble free until I reached mid Bedfordshire again – off the M1 at Toddington and I tried a few back roads to get home – it seems like everyone either chose or was guided the same way – plenty of long queues at junctions that never see a car – again the last 20 minutes of the trip taking well over an hour!

            Wednesday – race report to write for Cloud Dancers owners. CD fine after his run – and we would look at the programme book to see where we can slot him in next.

Fergal and I had the conversation about jockeys for Greyval on Saturday – with Johnny Burke committed to Castel Gandolfo and Liam on Oslo, we had the choice of Connor Brace, Jack Hogan or Fern O’Brien. After talking through the pros and cons of all three we decided to put Jack Hogan up and claim a valuable 3 lbs. Jack had enough mileage to ride in a £40k handicap on a Saturday, and every little bit we could claim off of her would help, as long as his performance would not be compromised by having to do a weight close to his minimum.

Alan King sent through s clip of Rockola’s work – with Robin on commentary. Rockola in great from – and it will not be long before she has entries. Mares’ novice/maiden hurdles for her – with last year’s experiences in bumpers and hurdles behind her – and away from soft ground she should be lots of fun for her owners!

In the afternoon the Olly Murphy bandwagon landed firmly in Perth with an outstanding four timer. Olly has had his team in really good form this summer, he only kept a few in, but landed a couple of very valuable handicaps, and has a very impressive strike rate with all of the ones he has run. It really does look like he could have a very good season!

Late afternoon and Dave messaged to say that he would have the share in Dino Bellagio. It is always good to be able to welcome past syndicate members back into the NBR fold. With the return of Dave, and Kieth taking a share in a syndicate after being a member of the Red Sash Racing Club last season – it is really reassuring that we continue to do things right – and provide the sport, fun and service that people have come to expect from us. As the rains fell, it seems that plenty of people were reminded that the Jumps season is just about to fire into life – and there has been plenty of interest in shares this week!

            Thursday – Greyval declared in Market Rasen – Jack Hogan to ride.

A nice video landed – Chevelle schooling upsides at Ravenswell Farm under Jack. She really does love jumping and has plenty of scope. Jack delighted with her – she will head to Warwick on Monday to school over hurdles on turf for the first time. Good to get her away again and this should be the final part of the jigsaw added before her hurdles debut.

Tintagel Queen went for her away day gallop – in yet more torrential rain! Fergus Gillard rode her and although not fully extended she did what was asked of her very nicely. The 2m work on turf next week should have her ready to get her season going!

Josh Moore called to confirm that Cloud Dancer had come out of Fontwell fine, and to discuss a route going forward. A step up to 2m4f the logical step – and the best ground available. He will then step up further in trip as the season progresses. He is on a nice mark to start off, and the hope is that he can just stay a step ahead of the handicapper as he stretches out in distance – that’s the hope – it rarely works like that – but either way – there are wins in him, and very soon hopefully!

Louise emailed late in the afternoon to let me know that Savingforvegas had been scanned and that she was confirmed in foal to Nirvana du Berlais. Great news – fingers crossed for a trouble free remainder of her term. Very exciting to have her due to such a good young sire – and with her elder progeny showing so much promise, she is a very nice mare to have as our only broodmare – I can’t tell you how lucky we have been to have her! Now for the sons to do on the track what they show at home – if they do – there will soon be some black type under her name on her pedigree surely!

            Friday – office – monthly admin day. All the bills paid.

Badges organised for The Oakley Partnership for Market Rasen. A busy day for the track – and I know how much pressure they have for badges on this day in particular – but they were really helpful and in the end went the extra yard to help us – hugely appreciated as always!

Sean Bowen seems to like Tintagel Queen – having come out of Thursdays monsoon and her piece of work in one piece, he was once again on board to school her up the strip over a few flights of hurdles. She did it very well and looked to really enjoy herself!  

Chevelle did her first piece of work since her dirty scope and the good news is that when she was scoped afterwards, she was immaculate. 100% over her respiratory infection and back on track to make her hurdles debut in the next 10-14 days!

            Saturday and the fourth and final leg of our ‘World Tour’ September the month for our Syndicate Saturdays – we started with Fergal O’Brien on the 7th – to Donald McCain on the 14th, then onto Alan Kings last weekend – it concluded with a good crowd in with Olly Murphy yesterday. Around 40 syndicate members and owners there to see Itchy Feet and Tintagel Queen canter on the round gallop and then have a wander around the yard to meet the horses and the staff that care for them. Olly on hand to talk to the group and let them know of his hopes for TQ and IF for the season.

A bright but chiily start to the day

Great to hear from Olly about ours and the rest of his team


Tintagel Queen cantering

Itchy Feet cantering

Itchy parading


Tintagel Queen warming up


TQ back in her box after work

As you have read – TQ not far off starting out given the right ground conditions. Itchy a little behind after a prolonged break, but Olly sees him back on track before Christmas with Pertemps qualifiers his main aim – life not easy for him at his age and off of his rating – but judging on what we saw yesterday morning he still has all of his enthusiasm for the game and will hopefully take his owners to some smart places again this winter!

Once again great to have team snapper Debbie Burt on hand to get some amazing photos – a full gallery will be heading out to everyone in the next few days – Debbie had been in Newmarket and had nipped from Suffolk to be with us before heading back for racing in the afternoon. Once again – huge thanks to her for making the time for us in her manic schedule!

When we had said goodbye to the last of the visitors, it was time for a quick change and then up the A46 to Market Rasen.

A good turn out of Greyvals owners on a gloriously sunny afternoon! Greyval looked great in the paddock – on her toes as usual, but nothing out of the ordinary for her. On Friday I had thought about the race, and had in my mind that we would have her jump out second or third on the rail and be more handy with her than we have been in the past. Jack was of the same opinion. I revised my view on Friday evening when I saw how much pace was in the race, and Jack altered his plans when he chatted to the other jockeys in the weighing room and learned just how quick they were going to go up front – change of plan. Greyval, having her first run back after a break was likely to be a bit keen, and with a breakneck pace on up front it was decided to hold her up, and if the pace collapsed on the front as expected, come with one run and do the very best to be there on the line. The pace was strong as expected, and Greyval, a little free, also as expected. When Liam Harrison departed company with Oslo in the home straight, Greyval was left with nothing in front of her, and having got her settled in behind Oslo, with daylight in front of her again, she picked up the bridle and wanted to get on with things. Jack was forced to slot in behind the eventual winner Saint Riquier to get her to drop the bridle once again. Riding one from behind like this – you are always a hostage to fortune, and although not far off the lead as the pace rose, Jack was forced wide around the home bend surrendering valuable ground. Straightening for home Greyval put her head down and battled, a good leap at both of the final two flights maintaining her momentum  and she finished a very respectable 4th. Yes it could have gone better – but the tactics were right for that particular race, the cards just didn’t fall right for her on the day. To finish a close 4th on her seasonal bow, against mostly battle hardened opposition who had the benefit of running through the summer, and up against the boys as well – she has run a cracker. She will handle slightly softer conditions and a slight step up in trip. With this freshness out of her she will go very close next time. Everyone there was delighted with the run – even Martin – eventually!

Alan King sent his usual Saturday update of Rockola - working up Sharpridge again - and going very nicely!

I have just heard that Greyval seems fine this morning – and we will head to the programme book!

While on our way between Ollys and Market Rasen we got the update that Donald Had given Ridin Solo his first entry of the season in Hexham next Friday – he will also have a number of other entries over the next 7-10 days – and will hopefully be back on track very soon.

Having been on the road when details of his entry came through – it was straight into the office when I got home last night to update The Red Sash Racing Club members on the Members Area of the website. Grab yourself a share – what better way to spend £79! And although it pains me to say it – Christmas is fast approaching – a share in Ridin Solo makes a fantastic present!

            Around the remainder – Mamoon Star is well and will hopefully be out again on decent ground and on a right handed track in the next couple of weeks. Maria’s Flame is building up to full fitness and her seasonal debut in a bumper in mid October. One that continues to catch the eye is Intrepide Sud – Fergal very positive about him when I chatted to him yesterday – he seems to be in a superb place at the moment, and he will be back on track very soon.

The Lindas Lad filly at Alan Kings is cantering away up the hill gallop and getting back up to speed after her months break.

The boys at The Elms – Barry, Floyd Finbar and George are all very well. Barry will head back down to Jasons in around 6 weeks time to start pre training the remainder will all have a few more months before ‘secondary school’ next spring – the other ones in that camp are ‘Gatsby’ the 2 yr old at Ivy Lodge Farm who along with the Masterstroke Filly at Peel Hall will also be back in in the spring.

Next week – a long trip for the funeral of a wonderful lady tomorrow. One of lifes real characters – she will be missed. I hope to get up to Donalds mid week, and then a possible visit to Hexham on Friday. We should also be racing next weekend too – it’s revving up now!!


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