The Return Of The Dino


Another Sunday – another week to catch up on!

            It was good to see another of our pinhooks hit the heights last Sunday. Pinhooking is the name given to the practice of purchasing a young horse to resell in the future. In the National Hunt sphere, this involves buying foals or (less frequently) yearlings to sell as unbroken 3 yr olds as a ‘store’. These ‘store’ sales are where the next man or woman in the process buys their ‘raw material’. Horses in these sales are unbroken and untried – sold on the basis of their pedigrees, confirmation and movement at the walk and the trot. It is at these sales that Point to Point men and women, and trainers buy their youngstock. The Point to Point trainers will be buying them to run as 4 /5 yr olds and to sell them on to owners and trainers to further their careers on the track – trainers will buy them to cut out the middle man, and train them to run in bumpers and novice hurdles for new owners. 6/7 years ago, over the course of 3 or 4 years we set up a number of Pinhooking Syndicates, vehicles where investors would put in a capital sum, we would source foals and yearlings to resell as three yr olds. As the costs of foals and yearlings have risen dramatically over the course of the last few years and the costs associated with their keep have gone through the roof too – we have not seen this as a viable investment opportunity – and have sat out of the market, waiting for the foal market to correct itself – the last thing we wanted, was to have bought at the top of the foal market and be selling 3 yr olds when that end of the process was in the doldrums. We did extend our final syndicate by 12 months as in year two I purchased a lovely son of Muhtathir in France, who we felt was too nice to sell at 2, and we would keep him until he was three. He was called Un Sens A La Vie, and was sold at the Tattersalls Derby Sale in 2023 to Point to Point trainer Dennis Murphy. Last weekend all eyes were on Loughrea where USDLV would be making his second start having been a very encouraging third in what looked like a very strong 4 yr old maiden in the north of Ireland in the spring. Delighted that USDLV won last weekend, and he will now be sold. Congratulations to Dennis and the team – this horse is the third that he purchased from us, the first two were both winners for him and did him very well – we hope that this horse goes on to make a handsome return for him when he is offered for sale.

Un Sens A La Vie last year before his sale in Ireland.

Having sat out for the last few years – we do believe that this is the year to be having another look at the market – and we will be at the foal sales which start in a couple of weeks – if you fancy investing in a foal or two – then have a look at our Pinhooking Syndicate Page on the site – and get in touch.

            Monday – Greyval entered in Stratford at the weekend – it has not been a happy hunting ground for her, but different tactics would be adopted and hopefully we would see a different result from her two visits there in the spring.

Chevelle headed for an overland scope at Ben Brains – she had made a noise on her hurdles debut and was unable to sustain her run after travelling nicely into the race down the back. We were sure she had an issue – we just needed to find out, with the use of an endoscope, what that issue was and the actions needed to rectify it. An overland scope involves fixing a camera in the area of the larynx in a horse’s trachea, and seeing what happens as that horse is galloped. On this occasion – the problem was identified, Chevelle underwent surgery that morning and is now at Jason Maguires recuperating from her op. She will be there for a further 3 weeks – and will then resume training – able to breathe more freely and finish off her races!

A quieter day meant that I could get the auction underway for the trophy package won by Intrepide Sud in Uttoxeter. With syndicate ownership, it is not practical for each owner to have the picture, racecard, USB drive of the race, and the engraved serving tray that he won for a month at a time – so I started to auction the trophies off between members of the winning syndicates – with the winning bidder receiving the trophy and the money raised going to the Injured Jockeys Fun. We have been doing this for a number of years – and have raised thousands for a great cause. The auction would end at 7.00pm on Tuesday.

Auction of Intrepide Suds trophy package

            Tuesday – the day when the handicapper would publish his opening mark for Intrepide Sud – I had said he could get a mark of 115 – Fergal thought a touch lower – and had offered a guess of 108 – in the end 111.

            Alan King sent through a clip of Rockola working – she is in great form, and recent rain has meant that he has been able to get plenty of work into her on the turf. She is ready to run!

            Donald called to chat through options for Dino Bellagio – and we both felt that the right thing to do was to start him off in Carlisle on Thursday – he was duly declared. Dino is a special little horse – full of character, and more importantly no shortage of ability! The trouble with Dino is that the course of his career has been anything but straightforward. It seldom is with horses – but his has been a spectacular rollercoaster! Winner on debut – expected to go very well in a Listed bumper in Cheltenham, only for the saddle to slip after 2 furlongs. An easy winner next time out – and on course for the Aintree bumper in April but had a very troubled preparation for that and didn’t run his race. Last season – high hopes as he went hurdling – only for that go badly wrong – in the end – finding that he had been suffering with a very rare fracture in a hind leg – which in hindsight we believe he had been suffering with since his second win in the Doncaster bumper – which is why he had a troubled prep for Aintree. With that diagnosed and dealt with, we were all looking forward to getting him back in action – although Carlisle would not be an ideal track for him - and would not suit his run style – it was the ideal place to start his season!

            At 7.00pm the auction for the IS trophy package closed, frenzied last minute bidding, necessitated and extension or two – but in the end Chris won out – and the IJF get another nice little sum!

            Wednesday – a trip over to The Elms to see the youngsters there. Savingforvegas looking really well – in foal to Nirvana du Berlais – and still bossing all the other mares about! Good to see Steve, who found an hour in his ridiculously busy work life to get to the stud and see his boy Barry, who is out with his two half brothers, Floyd and George, along with Finbar (out of Molly Childers). All three looking fabulous – Barry will head down to Jason Maguires in a couple of weeks to begin pre training – and then onto his chosen trainer after Christmas. The decision as to who trains him will be made towards the end of the year after Jason has got plenty more work into him. Floyd and Finbar will winter out at The Elms before heading back to Jason next spring for their secondary school, where they will be taken up to near full fitness and be introduced to galloping upsides. They will then have a few weeks in the field over the summer before heading into training in July. Finbar, along with ‘Gatsby’ who is turned out with Jason – and the Masterstroke half sister to Hidden Beauty who is in Cheshire, will all be aimed at early season junior bumpers – I may keep Floyd back for a few months.




            While we were looking at a few foals at The Elms, Olly Murphy called to say that he had entered Tintagel Queen in a national hunt maiden hurdle over 2m4f in Perth, and as they were forecast a huge amount of rain and the going was likely to be very testing – he would enter her in the 2m mares novice hurdle that opens the card as well. TQ has been off games since she suffered a hind leg fracture last winter, and we are all very much looking forward to seeing her back on the track.  

Alan sent through a clip of the Lindas Lad filly having her first experience of cantering on turf – she goes nicely, and he is very happy with her – he and co breeder Juliette Minton have come up with a name for her – And She Was – I think they are fans of Talking Heads! A handful of shares remain – have a look at her details on the For Sale Page and get in touch!

            Good to catch up with Debbie Burt in the afternoon – although the poor girl was suffering – a heavy cold on top of a sore back. Debbie has some exciting ideas going forward, and we will be having a meeting next week to discuss a few things. One of them is a plan to produce a 2025 NBR Calendar – as you know, Debbie has been taking some fabulous photographs of all of our horses for a number of years now – and with a bulging portfolio to chose from, she thought it may be a good idea to utilise a few and produce a calendar. Just so that we can get a handle on numbers – if you would be interested in purchasing one – could you let me know – they would make a nice little ‘stocking filler’ for Christmas – and look great on any wall!

            Thursday – road trip – Carlisle to see Dino – wouldn’t miss this one! Apple Maps sending me up the A1 and across the A66 – wise to follow it as the M6 was evidently ‘hell on earth’!

On the way up, Alan King called to say that he was really happy with Rockola and he would give her an entry in Worcester. Their ground would be soft enough, but she needs one more run to get her handicap mark – and then we can crack on in handicaps with her.

Greyval was declared to run in Stratford on Saturday – their ground would be soft as well after some heavy rain – with more forecast – but we were all keen to try her on it, the ground slowing everything down a bit should suit. We wouldn’t know until we tried.

Olly sent through a clip or two of Tintagel Queen schooling – it looked as though Perth were going to get plenty of rain and their ground would be ideal to start her back on next week.

Great to see Dino look so well in the paddock – he was carrying plenty of condition and would certainly benefit for the outing, but this race was simply a ‘building block’ a foundation on which to build the rest of his season. The old outer course in Carlisle is a wonderful track – a big galloping, fair track with the hurdles placed nicely. It is a track that suits the big staying chaser types, and would certainly not be ideal for a very fast little hurdler like Dino – but as they would go steady early, the obstacles were well placed, and there was a lovely uphill finish – it was the right place to start Dino after his problem – Donald was chatting to someone at the races and said Dino had had so many problems – I said in fairness – he just had the one – but the horse was so tough that it took us an age to find it! Dino had travelled up well and settled into his stable fine – he has certainly grown up – on his debut he jumped out of his stable when he got to the races, and since then someone has had to be with him at all times – but he was good on Thursday – perhaps he has finally grown up?!

The race itself went pretty much to plan and ended as expected. Dino a little keen early, and a little big at the first – but he settled and jumped well for the final circuit. In a close third at the foot of the hill, the lack of a recent run, and a slightly different training regime meant that he took a good blow, and Brian was easy on him on the climb to home. Even so – he was still only 4 lengths off the front jumping the last – after which Brian just nursed him to the line. It will turn out to be a very nice novice hurdle, plenty of winners will come out of it – and I am sure that Dino will be one of them! It’s onwards and upwards from here!

Dino and Brian coming back in


Dino post race

The 'North of the border' Chapter - plus two! Happy to see Dino back! 

            I didn’t head back to Bedfordshire – instead I headed for a night in the Cholmondeley Arms – Donalds local. A former school house for the children of the estate workers – the headmasters house has been converted into accommodation and it was where I would be spending the night.

Dinner in the restaurant was good – always a good sign when you see devilled kidneys on a menu!! Those to start – a slight mix up with the mains – I couldn’t choose between two – asked the guy serving me to choose for me – and when it arrived it was something completely different! Not a bother – the fish and chips were very good. The place was buzzing – very busy and I can see why! If you like Gin this is the place to go – it is renowned for it – and has won awards! The room was fine – I’d say it could do with an hour or two spent on it, just to touch up a few things here and there – like the revolving taps on the basin – but other than that it was clean and comfortable. I will be staying there again.

            Friday morning – into Donalds just after 7.15am – a glorious morning, although the gallops were showing the signs of having been hit with 40mm of rain on Wednesday evening. Poor Donald was tearing his hair out – but he got all the horses out on the round gallop and schooled a few as well. It was good to see Old Blue Eyes and Ridin Solo out second lot. RS will be out again in a couple of weeks – he got a little cut in Stratford which has healed well and he is back in full work. Old Blue Eyes is really well – he will have a racecourse gallop in the next 10 days – after which he will be ready to make his racecourse debut in a bumper. The hope is that he is good enough to remain in that sphere for this season – because if he is – the experience will do him the world of good – and he will be good enough to take his owners to some really nice places in the spring! At this stage – there is nothing about his homework to suggest that he won’t be somewhere nice in the spring!



Second lot

Ridin Solo cantering 

RS Walking home

Old Blue Eyes Cantering

OBE Walking home 

The best news of the morning was the fact that Dino trotted up sound and seemed none the worse for his run the day before. As mentioned, it was a building block – now we can crack on, with this run under his belt – and the confidence it will have given him – we hope that he can reach the heights that we all know he is capable of!

Dino seemed fine after his run

Alan sent through another video of Rockola on the ring gallop – sadly she would not be heading to Worcester as that was under water after the river burst its banks, but she is very much ready to roll now!

On the way home I caught up with Josh Moore, who had hoped to have Cloud Dancer out around now – but CD had needed a few days off – but he resumed cantering on Friday morning – and it will not be long before he is back on track!

            Saturday, the BHA were proactive and transferred the Worcester card to Southwell – very different ground – Good to Firm in places – but that is ideal for Rockola and Alan gave her an entry there for next Tuesday. Late morning we headed up to Stratford to see Greyval contest the 2m mares handicap hurdle. Having been beaten there twice in the spring – it wasn’t the owners first choice of venues – but we were to change tactics, and as a result – this was the logical step. If you change too many things at the same time you never know what it is that has worked – so it is small steps. They had had a huge amount of rain overnight, and the ground was heavy – but Johnny was keen to let the ground do the work for him, slow everything down, and let her run her race, he was very confident that she would run very well. She looked a picture in the paddock as ever. She can be a little fizzy in the prelims – and has sported the red hood in the past – but it didn’t seem to make much difference, so it was left off this time. She did go early to post – and it was the plan to jump out upsides in front on the inner and then ease back into second and travel away there. That looked to be going to plan, until the tapes went up, and Greyval simply didn’t pick up the bridle. Having started just where he wanted to be, Johnny found himself last after 3 furlongs and definitely not travelling. She was simply not going forward – he switched her wide to get out of the kick back and onto some better ground, and she did make some ground but as they turned for home she flattened out – a bit like her owners – and finished 6th all be it beaten just 9 lengths or so. Not sure if it was entirely the ground – she will have some tests done – and Johnny has suggested a step up in trip.

            Sunday – as I type Olly has declared Tintagel Queen in Perth. After a long chat with Sean they decided to run her in the 2m mares novice hurdle – this is her first run back after a long break and an injury – she is sure to need the run a bit – and as the ground looks like it will be attritional, the lads felt that she was better off over the 2m trip than getting really tired over the 2m4f trip against geldings. Like Dino, this will be a building block for her – and we have a nice target race in mind for her in the spring. Although I have had many requests for details about the two remaining shares in her this week – they remain available – first come first served! I have just noticed that she has been installed as the ‘tissue’ favourite of the 8 runners in Perth – your first runner could be a winner – get in touch – 07909 518902 Shares are leased – no capital outlay and just £25/week covers your share of her training and keep costs. The term is until June 2025 – with the option to renew at that stage for a further season! Don’t miss out – her work this time round has been very good!

Greyval has come out of her race fine – she will have some tests this week – she isn’t showing on the track what she does at home – so there is something possibly amiss.            

            Around the remainder – Olly delighted with Itchy Feet – training well and moving beautifully – he is on the road back to full fitness.

Mamoon Star has settled in well at Connor and Alex’s he is being let down gently and will be found a nice retirement home. There have been a few enquiries about him – Connor has a few people interested – but he will need a few weeks to reacclimatise to ‘civvy street’ and then we will find him a forever home.


Mamoon Star and Alex - preparing for a life after racing. 

Fergal reports that Maria’s Flame is very well, and he is looking forward to getting her out in a bumper in around 10 days. Intrepide Sud is really well – and Fergal and Johnny will decide where he goes next. He will be ready to go again in around 2 weeks.

Next week – Tintagel Queen in Perth – and Rockola in Southwell, so it will be a fun week!

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