Thursday 16 April
The Edmunds must be caravanning!! ITS RAINING!! Good news for Noble Rebellion, who - if the ground is soft enough - will go to the Quorn Point to Point at Garthorp on Sunday. Soft ground and a stiffer track should suit, and hopefully he will keep improving. Plenty of money around at the Cheltenham sales last night, but still plenty that failed to reach thir reserves and were over valued. As the year goes on and we reach the conclusion of the National Hunt season, I can see there being a few nice horses on the market at reasonable money, so if you are interested in joining a new partnership then give me a call or drop me an email to discuss the matter further, as it looks as though I will be buying at the sales this spring and summer. With the interest rate as it is why not invest in some bloodstock and have some fun at the same time?? I did see Mattaking yesterday - who I have to say looks fantastic, he is relaxed and well and seems very comfortable over at Michael Kehoes, I really hope he makes a full recovery as he has really turned the corner over fences and could easily go on and win a few more. The Kayf Tara filly purchased earlier in the year is doing well and growing up nicely, her half brother is back in action in Ireland now, so her pedigree is very much alive, and it looks as though he should be winning a race or two over there in the near future.