Tuesday 2 June
It has been decided to give E Major a rest. He has been on the go since he was a yearling and will benefit from having a good long break and coming back into training early next year for a spring and summer campaign. He has been a great servant for the first half of this year, and it was very generous of Mrs Robeson to retain him and lease him to us to replace Rousing Rob, and give The Chicheley Partnership some sport throughout the season. Many thanks to her and Sir Evelyn for their kindness.The good news is that the members of The Chicheley Partnership will have Rousing Rob back in work in July, and John Burrows who leased a share in E Major has decided to join the Sherington Partnership and lease a share in the new grey Jardin De Vienne, as well as take a 1/4 share in the Silver Patriach half brother to Bobby Gee. We wish everyone well with their new ventures!!