Thursday 20 May
Jardin De Vienne has come out of his run at Towcester 'annoyingly' fresh, possibly indicating that all of his efforts were not entirely utilised on Tuesday evening! We will will give him one more chance to get his head in front, and if there is no apparent sign of getting closer to the front then we will seriously have to think of finding another job for this lovely character that would make the most perfect riding horse.The two youngsters that Stuart had in while I was away, have gone back to their summer quarters at Michael and Fionas. 'Grey Bobby', the Silver Patriach half brother to Bobby Gee went very well, and is a strong nice moving sort that cantered up the gallop well. He will come back in in the Autumn. The Kayf Tara 2 year old filly was broken in and behaved herself impeccably. She moves beautifully and looks a really nice prospect - being form the direct family of Grey Shot, and by the sire of the moment Kayf Tara she is certainly bred to do the job, and is for sale so if anyone is interested in having all or part of her then give me a call. Mattaking is still on course for Fakenham on Sunday, which looks like being a nice warm afternoon in Norfolk.