Tuesday 8 March

Tuesday is handicap rating day - the day that the official handicapper publishes his changes for races run the previous week. Omaruru and Ogee, were both up for renewal this week, Omaruru remains unchanged on 118, which is ggod news! He ran right to his mark and the weights worked out spot on, but I am still a little surprised that he didn't go up a fraction just for winning. Ogee, who ran a blinder on Saturday has been dropped 5lbs to a mark of 134, which looks very much workable. Stuart couldn't resisit yesterday, and while taking Omaruru around the farm for a nice easy hack he managed to find himself in the jumps field, and the sight of the chase fences was just to much for him! As a result I am pleased to say that Omaruru had his first taste of chasing and he was very good. I can't beleive that there are still shares available in him! I have kept the cost of a share at the same level as it was before his win, which must mean he is a bargain at £400 a pop. This in effect values him at £10,000 - and if he went to the sales he would be making well over £40k !! What an opportunity! Ring me on 07909 518902 or 01234 888868, or email me - info@nickbrownracing.co.uk or even get in touch via our Twitter and Facebook pages. Don't be shy this is surely the a great chance to get involved with a potentially top class horse for what in effect is PEANUTS!!!!

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