Tuesday 2nd April
Horses have a very annoying habit of making fools of you!! Tannerman did just that yesterday. Having handled the tight Fakenham track on New Years Eve, nobody gave his ability to do so a second time another thought - though that is what happened. On the better ground and in better company he couldn't get round the tight turns and Sam could never get him in a rhythm - glad to say he seems fine this morning and we will look at a race in about 3 weeks with him. There are a couple of options at Towcester - one over hurdles and a chase. We can look at chasing again as he seems to have mastered the jumping game now. Colebrooke went to Michael and Fionas today, where he will convalesce for the next few weeks. San Telm is enjoying the sunshine in the field, but is returning to the warmth of his stable at night. Benefit Cut is fine after his run on Southwells fibresand (which he hated) and will resume over hurdles on decent ground when we get a good grass covering. Smart Exit is entered in a very hot Chepstow Novice Chase on Saturday, but we may well skip it in favour of an easier option later in the month.