Thursday 15 August
Good news for someone - bad news for me. Having THOUGHT I had sold/leased all the shares in Guest Of Honour it turns out that I have not! In my world when someone says they ARE having a share in one of our horses, and asks you to send them the paperwork, you take it as read that they are having that share. Apparently not so - and to add insult to injury the persons concerned fail to respond to letters, emails and phone calls - even if it is to let you know that they have changed their mind and are no longer going to take the share! This I would not mind - anyone can have a change of heart - but I have been left in limbo for a few weeks not knowing if they are having their share or not! So - today I am able to offer 2 shares in Guest Of Honour (top right) - I have emailed those that enquired after he was 'filled up', but if someone is quick they may just get in first - as they have to go on a first come (and pay), first served basis. Call me on 07909 518902 or email to secure your place. A share can be purchased for £500 (+£20/week), or leased for the upcoming season for just the £20/week. Get in touch!! There are also 4 reaming shares in the 3 yr old Tobougg filly (bottom right) who is from one of the best National Hunt families around, and looks a really nice prospect for bumpers in the spring. A 10% share in her is just £2,200 - with no monthly fees until she comes in to Fences Farm later this year!