Thursday 3 July
Sorry - been a while since we updated on here! Even for a quiet spell there has been plenty happening! Cricket last Friday was just not Cricket. Having escaped the forecast rain all day, we thought the worst had passed and by 5.30 we felt we were set fair - until 6.00, the scheduled start time when the heavens opened!! Game abandoned - such a shame. But a big thanks to those that turned out on another wet night!! The beer and hog roast went down well, along with the rounders!! The girls v the boys - the girls once again winners!! Ben Turner earning the Man Of The Match award!! The night is really about the owners all getting together and having a social, and there was a good turn out - a real shame that some couldn't make it though! Josh was on hand to have a chat, and his puppy seemed to be a hit - Doug the Pug was a little star!! Yesterday Mr Maynard headed to Worcester. He has been in good order, and with 4 non runners in his race it looked like a good opportunity. Unfortunately the small field meant no pace, so Josh made it, but having finished third, he kicked himself for not going quick enough - run the race again and the result would be different!! A few of the winter horses will be making their way back into work next week, so it will soon be all action again!!