Monday 24 November

Today was a tale of two tails - firstly Benefit Cut was tailed off and pulled up in Kempton. A very uncharacteristic tame performance from him today. Settling well in second he jumped away fine, but was never travelling like the BC we know, and was beaten as he past the winning post for the first time! Josh said he just felt very flat, and he will be checked over thoroughly. He was in fact scoped after the race and was found to be fine - so that rules out that. Blood tests will be done later this week. He is much better than that as we know! The other tail in the news is that at the back end of Dawn Commander. He had his bone scan today and it has shown up a couple of things. He has a couple of small fractures in the vertebra at the top of his tail, which is where one of the yard vets found he could make him very sore last Monday. These are not load bearing, and will be a simple fix. The scan also showed that he has a small crack in his pelvis. The vets will look into this further tomorrow, but as they said this evening, if you were to crack your pelvis you could not do it in a better place! At this early stage, and after the scan and initial diagnosis, it looks as though DC will be on the easy list for 4-6 weeks and make a full recovery. As disappointing as BC was, the news of DC was heartening! Now we just have to get to the bottom of BC!

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