Saturday 17 December
Christmas is getting close, evident by the fact that I wore a silly hat this morning - flashing lights and everything!! Good to see Matt, Sarah and Bob in this morning. They saw a really good piece of work from three this morning. Chandos Belle worked really well with the very pacey Elusive Cowboy, with Cloonacool in behind. It was impressive from all three - a decision on where Cloonacool will run next will be made in the next couple of days. It Looks as though the Ludlow chase will be tough to win if the handicap blot, Cepage, runs- which means that Kempton on the 27th could be favoured. We will do our homework and let evryone know ASAP. Chandos Belle is very much on course for her hurdle debut on the 29th in Doncaster. She did her most impressive piece of work since arriving from Germany, and is just getting better all the time. Another share sold in her this morning, and we wish her new owners the best of luck with her. This means that there are just a couple of shares left in her - so if you want to come racing over the Christmas period as an owner, then get in touch! A blood sample was taken off of Land League yesterday, and the results show exactly what Stuart had thought - that he has been suffering badly, and been very run down, but that he is now almost back to normal. Stuart thought that was the case, as he has finally stopped coughing, and the good news is that he can start to get serious with him later on next week. He should do his first proper piece of work on Christmas Eve, and will make his UK debut in January. All that have ridden him say what a lovely feel he gives them, and I think he will be an awful lot of fun. We will go gently with him to start with as we also think he could benefit from better ground, and should make a very exciting horse to run on through the summer, as he has a very low easy action that should suit a sound surface. Shares are selling well - so have a look at him on the For Sale page, and get in touch (07909 518902). All the three year olds went out first lot and are in fine fettle, Pull Together was also out first lot and is on course for Warwick on the 31st. Apasionado has not been ridden since Tuesday, and is enjoying his days in the field. Molly Childers is fine after her run, and will be out again in February, with three targets open to her. Sneaking Budge, looks fantastic, but is still on the easy list, but is walking and trotting. He is undergoing laser treatment to assist him in getting rid of the swelling that is holding him up.