Friday 21 June

What a day at Royal Ascot yesterday - I didn't think we could top Amistress in Uttoxeter on Thursday - but the 'Flat' folks managed it!! A winner for Lady Cecil - very poignant, and emotional so soon after the sad passing of Sir Henry - I am sure he would have been elated. The start of the next chapter at Warren Place! Mrs Robesons Waila finishing fifth in the race - those of you on here yesterday will be aware that she is thought very highly of, and despite being beaten, the opinion of her ability remains - she is very good. Too keen over the first 3 furlongs yesterday, she found herslf in a pocket and didn't get a run, but she has proven herself capable of getting the 1m 4f trip now and if they adopt different tactics next time it is felt that she will take a deal of beating! K Fallon has not lost the faith!! If we had only had Riposte winning the Ribblesdale for Lady Jane Cecil yesterday we would have felt that we had fed well from the table of pure delight, but as it happened, this was just the entree - the main course was such a succulent feast to behold! The Queens Estimate winning the Gold Cup. What a horse race - it had everything (apart from hurdles/fences) and Estimate was a very brave and worthy winner. The scenes after her victory were truly amazing, and it was lovely to see Her Majesty so delighted afterwards - about as natural a moment as you will ever see from our Monarch - and one that was brought about by our thrilling and fantastic sport - racing. How nice it is to be on the front pages of the papers today for all the right reasons, after the recent bad press concerning drugs (jockeys/trainers). Mrs Robeson has Hillstar at Royal Ascot today, on paper he has it all to do, but they think he is a lot better than he has shown so far this year, and merits his place in this Group 2. He would appreciate any rain that will fall this morning, as he will not be at his best on the very fast ground.Back at home - Tara Dancer is in great form, and is now doing 2 full canters - Stuart is still very pleased with her. Just for John B - the time is - the end of July/beginning of August!! Stuart saw Omaruru yesterday and reports him to be HUGE! He will have to come in soon - and start his Fat Camp! Colebrooke and Smart Exit who are out with him look very well as well. San Telm and Guest Of Honour, who are still at Fences Farm are enjoying their holidays too, and will be back in work in about a month.Remember it is The Cricket Match next week (Friday 28th) I have sent out text messages regarding the cricket - I could do with an idea of numbers that may be coming, as I am trying to organise with Stuart Hunter of Crackling Fayre what size of pig we will need - I have stepped it up once and if as many folks confirm their attendance as I imagine, we may have to up it again - at this rate we will need to have an Ox Roast next year!! Thanks to those who have replied, but if you have not got back to me please do - I would hate for you to go hungry!!

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