
Friday 18 october

Friday 18 october

With the forecast changing, and no significant rain forecast overnight in Cheltenham, San Telm will stay at home tomorrow. He has an entry in Fontwell on Wednesday which looks far less competitive,...

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Wednesday 16 October

Wednesday 16 October

Over the course of the past couple of days, we have been able to sit down and plan a few targets for the horses. Guest Of Honour, who's last run really does need a very big line putting through it!...

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Tuesday 15 October

Tuesday 15 October

Sitting down in front of the TV and watching a bit of proper jump racing from Chepstow and Hexham - my eye was drawn to the 5.00 maiden hurdle at the latter. Two horses leapt off the page in the race...

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Monday 14 October

Monday 14 October

As I spoke of in my previous posts - Brett the vet was in today to have a look at Smart Exit and Omaruru among others. The news for both is good. SE's joint isn't damaged and there is no ligament or...

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Sunday 13 October

Sunday 13 October

Saturday, as in all racing yards is 'work morning'. It is the morning that the horses gallop, and yesterdays efforts at Fences Farm were very encouraging! Colebrooke was out first lot and worked well....

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Thursday 10 October

Thursday 10 October

Grassfinch had a fruitless trip to Ludlow yesterday. It was always touch and go as to whether the ground would be juicy enough for her, but as it had been the target since mid summer it was worth...

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Monday 7 October

Monday 7 October

San Telm and Benefit Cut were both scoped this morning and were both given the all clear. We are looking at 2 races in Cheltenham for San Telm, and Benefit Cut will make his handicap debut in...

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Sunday 6 October

Sunday 6 October

Yesterday in Fontwell did not go well - for which Stuart profusely apologises. As all will know, the Fences Farm gallop has been refurbished, which has involved taking up the old wood chip surface,...

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Friday 4 October

Friday 4 October

Guest Of Honour and Genny Wren will make the trip to Fontwell tomorrow. Genny in the staying handicap hurdle and GOH in the concluding bumper. Genny is not the fastest thing on 4 legs, and is not...

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Thursday 3 October

Thursday 3 October

....The day we went to Bangor!! Wrong Bangor, but it still works! Although Stuart may disagree when he gets there as it looks very much as if he will be getting a wet shirt. Carolina Wren will not...

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